Tell Me You Need Me – Lighthouse Landing Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

“Stay out of his room.” I pick up my glass and shoot the rest of the whiskey back, enjoying the burn. Teddy swiftly moves away from me. That confidence and defiance she was giving me are slipping away. I drop the glass back down onto the table. “You’ll find nothing of use in here, so poke around all you like,” I tell her before leaving her there alone and I become a bigger asshole and do something I’ll regret... or worse, she’ll regret.

Chapter Six


It’s been almost a week since the incident with West in the office, and I still can’t get it out of my mind. Being that close to him alone left a lasting impression. One that I’ve found myself revisiting in my dreams. Karl’s funeral has come and gone. No one attended. I’d made myself ready in case Willa or Rich changed their minds at the last second so I could go with them.

Things have been quiet since. We move about our days as we did when Karl was alive but away in the city. I rarely catch a glimpse of West. Only ever in passing. When I enter a room, he is always leaving it. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or he does it on purpose. I still don’t understand what I did to piss him off.

I thought for a second we were kinda getting along when we were trading words in Karl’s office. Me moving closer to him. Him the hissing cat, daring me to. I hadn't been afraid of him, nor had I believed he was going to fire my mom or tell anyone about what I'd done. I have no clue what made me feel that way, but I did.

Then a switch flicked, turning everything upside down. I wasn’t so sure anymore. I’m still not, but I’m not going to hide away. I’ll pretend he’s not here. That's exactly what everyone else is doing. Mom has been dealing with Jack when it comes to how things will work around here. Much of that has been left the same as well.

A tension has left the estate with Karl’s passing, but now there is a different one lingering, and I’m starting to think I’m the only one that feels it.

"Did you get your email?" Willa asks as she enters the kitchen where I am preparing dinner for everyone.

I made enough for Jack and West. Jack will carry the tray upstairs for West, who has taken over the other wing of the home. A few times Jack has come back down and eaten with us. Otherwise, he stays upstairs.

I enjoy Jack’s company. He and I can get a nice banter going. While the routine has returned to normal, Willa and Rich have become quieter. Jack helps me fill that silence.

“No, I haven’t checked it.” I wiggle my fingers that have sauce on them. I’m layering the lasagna so I can put it in the oven. “My phone.” I nod to it on the counter. Willa grabs it, entering my code to open my emails. I’m guessing she’s talking about our final schedules for classes.

“Yes,” she whispers loudly.

“I take it we have some classes together?” I laugh. It shouldn’t have been too hard. We only need a few more to graduate, and we are even getting out early each day. We picked the same ones, but there was a chance we could have gotten them at different hours.

“We did.” A full smile lights up her face, making me return one.

“How are you feeling about going back?” I ask.

“Okay?” Willa shrugs her shoulders. School has always been easy for her and Rich. They’re both wicked smart. I think I’m pretty average. “Can I help?”

“Make me a tea?” I ask.

“I can chop a salad, Teddy.”

“The two stitches we had to get you four months ago say otherwise.”

“Whatever.” Willa rolls her eyes but grabs a couple of glasses to make us drinks.

“Smells good,” Rich shouts, barging in the side door. He’s covered in sweat, and I notice a mark on his right cheek. He comes over to where I am to see what I’m making. “My favorite.” He throws his arm around my shoulder.

“Gross.” I try to wiggle away from him; he’s all sweaty and doing it on purpose to annoy me.

“What? No hugs?” He ruffles my hair, making me laugh. I might be an only child, but I know what it’s like to have an annoying brother. I go for his nipple to pinch. Rich lets out a girly scream, making Willa burst into laughter.

“That’s enough. One of you is going to get hurt.” I freeze at the sound of West’s voice.

“They’re just playing.” Willa comes to my defense. She always comes to my defense, but her voice is so soft-spoken. It’s sweet and cute.

“There is a pot of hot sauce behind them on the stove.” Shit. I had forgotten about that.


