Tell Me You Need Me – Lighthouse Landing Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

“Is that a serious question?” Has Jack lost his mind? How could he not understand the predicament I’m in?

"She may be young, but her soul is far from it."

"You forget that she and Rich have something going on," I remind him.

"You think?" Jack cocks his head in my direction.

"How could you miss it?" The sound of Teddy’s laughter was what initially had me moving in that direction. When I saw the scene between her and Rich in the kitchen, I'd almost lost it. I wanted to lay into both of them but managed some level of control. Barely.

“She is affectionate with everyone. Her mother is the same way.”

I haven’t had many interactions with Eden. Jack has been handling that, but the woman already manages the daily tasks that need to be completed. I went back over things and noticed she had a chef come when Karl was in town, but when he wasn’t around, she and Teddy handled the kitchen. It’s where you can most often find Teddy. There or in Willa’s room.

I know nothing about the guesthouse except for its layout. I’ve seen blueprints of it. They built it after I left the island. It is a nice size for a guesthouse with a couple of bedrooms. Which isn’t surprising. When Karl wanted to show his wealth, he always went above and beyond.

I force myself to get back to work. It’s the only thing I can do to kill time and keep my mind occupied. Being here isn’t much different from home. At least in my everyday routine.

Before I know it, Jack is setting down a dinner tray for me. It’s lasagna. What we had last night. It was the best I’ve ever had. I ate every bite, and I’ll gladly do it again.

“Leftovers. Teddy and Willa went out to dinner.” That gets my attention immediately.

“What? When?” Ignoring the food, I carefully check the system I've been installing. I’d been handling it myself and doing it mostly at night when I couldn’t sleep. I’m not sure why I’m doing it in secret.

Liar. I don’t want Teddy to know where I can see and monitor. I want her to carry on being herself and not try to change or perform because someone could be watching. I quickly notice that the alerts on the front gate are silenced. I run my hand down my face because it was a stupid mistake. One I’m sure was caused by sleep deprivation.

“They left an hour ago. I’m guessing only down to town. We are on an island.” This is true, but I still don’t like it. It puts me on edge, and I’m not sure why. Maybe I know why, but I’m not even ready to admit it to myself yet.

“I’m going to use the gym.” I push up from my chair to go change. Letting off some steam is exactly what I need to do. Working out and steering clear of Teddy have been the only things keeping me sane. I don’t know what it is about her that has gotten under my skin, but I do know that staying away from her is the best thing for both of us. No matter how much I don’t want to.

“They’ll be fine. Lighthouse Landing is a safe town.” I don’t respond because I already know that. Still doesn’t stop the range of emotions I’m having. “She’ll be fine,” Jack calls out as I exit the office.

I finish changing and make my way down to the gym. When I enter, Rich is there, running on the treadmill. I don’t know if I’m pissed or relieved that he isn’t with them. If he was, then I would know they have an extra layer of protection, but I also don’t want him near Teddy. A double-edged sword. The story of my life lately.

He barely spares me a glance, running at full speed on the treadmill. The kid is constantly working out. I've noticed a few marks on his face, indicating that he's been sparring with someone. I jump on another one, determined to work myself into exhaustion. Rich only goes for a few more minutes before he hops off, leaving the gym, avoiding me.

I run until my mind and body are exhausted. Once I’m showered, I check my phone to see if Willa and Teddy have arrived home yet. A wave of relief washes over me as I realize they have. I quickly dress and head down the stairs, knowing Teddy is still in the house and hasn’t gone home to hers.

“Are you going to message him?” I hear Willa say when I draw closer to the kitchen. I stop walking. Who the fuck is she going to message? This is why she can’t go to town. She certainly attracts everyone's attention. She embodies the essence of a siren, perfectly suited for the island.


