Pregnant by the Joc Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“Babe, I can walk.” I tell him, not really wanting him to let me go, but trying to relieve some of his tension.

“Stop trying to get me to put you down, angel. It’s not happening.”

“Son, why don’t you…” he looks at his parents and back at me.

“Goodnight. We won’t be down for the rest of the night,” he says nothing else. Walking up the stairs I rub his face and kiss his cheek.

“Cobi, honey please relax. I am fine. Our baby is fine. Nothing serious happened.” He walks up into the restroom and sits me on the sink. He says nothing to me but begins undressing me, one item at a time. He moves and turns on the shower before leaning into me, kissing my mouth. “Cobi.” I say his name wanting him to say something, anything.

Instead of answering me, he simply undoes my bra and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My back bows pushing my tits further into his face. He pinches the other one while his warm mouth causes my pussy to leak. He switches moving back and forth and I throw my head back and call his name.

He has been undressing himself while he feasts on my nipples. His cock spring from his cup and I reach for it wanting to feel that thick muscle in my hand. “No,” he says, pulling back. He rips my panties from my body and lifts me, so my legs are wrapped around his waist. Into the hot water we go, kissing and clinging to one another. My back hits the cold tiles and I cry out from the shock. There is something so erotic about our wet bodies sliding against one another. I can feel his cock between my legs, pushing against my lips, demanding entry.

“Talk to me, babe.” I beg him, chasing his mouth with my own. My hands find purchase in his hair, and I moan into his mouth, when I feel his cock moving up and down my slit, teasing me, riling me up for when he slides into me so slowly I almost cry. “Jacobi!” I shout his name when our connection is restored and I can feel the pulse in the vein of his cock beating inside of me, aligning our heartbeats, reminding me our love is inside of me, growing.

“God I love you so fucking much. Seeing you on the ground, blood on you, everything I thought I had flashed before my eyes. I thought I was losing both of you, angel. Jesus, I couldn’t protect you and it is fucking killing me.” He says this into my ear before kissing me again. “I want to know everything that happened, angel, but right now, I just need to be inside of you, feeling you, hearing your sighs and moans, to prove you are still here.” He pulls out slowly and glides back in.

“I love you too, babe. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. Yes!” He grinds my hips into his, rubbing against my cock in the process and I can do nothing but wiper at the intensity of this moment. I don’t know if it is everything that happened today, or my hormones, but I am already there and I am not trying to stop it.

My pussy ripples around his cock and I bite down on his shoulder right before I feel him come inside of me. “I am never letting you go.” He whispers. I hope he never does.

Chapter Nine


I slide out of bed slowly not wanting to wake Ripley. I stand beside it waiting to make sure she doesn’t wake. Sometimes she can’t sleep if she is not wrapped around me, exactly the way I want her. Dependent on me. Obsessed with me like I am with her. Normally I wouldn’t dare leave this bed while she sleeps, but right now, I am like a tea kettle about to whistle, and I want to be far away from her when I do.

Running my hand down her face, I lean over and kiss her shoulder before throwing on my basketball shorts and a t-shirt and grab my cell phone. Quietly I slink out the bedroom and pad my way down the stairs. I move toward the back, making sure not to slam the door once I am outside. My feet hit the grass and I scream at the sky. “WHAT THE FUCK!” All of the pinned-up anger and rage starts boiling over.

I am pacing the yard, cursing and ripping my hair at the thought that it could have been worse. I could have lost them both. Logically I know a fall that minor, Ripley would have been fine, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t have affected the baby. In my mind if we lost the baby, Ripley would never recover. Hell neither would I. “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come out here to let it out.” I spin around and see my father standing by the door.


