Pregnant by the Joc Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“To hold on to this gravy train for as long as she can.” Damn it. Why won’t this girl leave me alone?

“I’m sorry did you say something?” I ask her, facing her.

“You heard me. Don’t think we don’t know why you are with him. We all know you are with him for his money. What is like sleeping somewhere not made of tin?” Shoot. People are starting to look and that is the last thing I need.

“Jealousy is not a good look, Leslie. Not very becoming of a lady.” I say moving closer to her face. “Oops. I am not talking to one.” I don’t want a confrontation right now, but if I don't stand up for myself at some point, it will only get worse. Everyone around us begins instigating and I realize my mistake once again. The crowd is growing, and his family is going to make their way here. “Look, we just came to watch the game. Why don’t you mind your business, and we will mind ours.”

I try to diffuse it and grab Heather’s arms, so we move up to the counter. I hear what I think is a tussle of some sort. I turn to see what is happening and she slams into me, knocking the wind out of my chest. I don’t know if it is the blitz she just delivered or these darn ankle boots I am wearing, but I stumble over a crack in the ground and feel myself falling. At the last minute I turn myself, so I land on my knees and hands, not having an impact on my baby, and sending me to my knees.

I hear laughter behind me and then Heather cursing at someone I assume to be Leslie, but I am right now trying to suck in air. Seriously I feel like my lungs have been deflated. The pain from my knees and hands are not registering. I mean I can see glistening so I know I am glass that is in the grass, but I still can’t breathe. “What is going on… Oh my God, Ripley.” I close my eyes because I know that is his mother’s voice. “Sweet girl, are you alright? What happened?”

“This fucking hyena pushed her.” Heather yells behind me.

“Someone get the EMT over here.” Cobi’s father yells. “Ripley, can you breathe?” I nod my head then shake it, not really sure. I am starting to think it is more embarrassing than anything else, but I refuse to turn around right now. “Siddah, have the coach get your brother.” Oh God no.

Frantically I begin crying and shaking my head no. This is the last thing he needs. I shouldn’t have come. I should have listened to him.

Chapter Eight


This is not happening. The one time I strike out on my own trying to prove that nothing bad is going to happen and I end up bleeding on the ground. “Sweet girl, we have to tell him. He would be beside himself if he found out you were hurt and didn’t tell him.” His mom who is beside me says, clearly concerned and because she is a doctor, she keeps taking my pulse with her hands.

“N-no. don’t.” I manage to get out before coughing like I just went through a cigar lounge.

“Coming through. Let us look at her.” The EMT says, sitting me up.

“Yes of course but she should go to the hospital.” His mother tells him. I am shaking my head no, but they are talking around me.

“What the hell is going on…angel? What happened? Why are you bleeding?” he lifts me into his arms, his eyes looking me over. I hear the EMT grumble something about spoiled rich kids under his breath. “She needs a fucking ambulance.” Cobi hollers at him.

Placing my hand on his face I try to calm him down. “Babe, I’m fine. Calm down Cobi.” The look he gives me would make a strong man wither.

“Don’t tell me you’re fine, Ripley. Your pregnant for fuck sake. I need someone to look at you and tell me you and our baby is alright.” I hear gasps and more whispers at his sudden declaration.

“The ambulance has been pulled in.” His dad says. Cobi walks me over to it and places me on the bed.

“Monroe, it's time to get back on the field.” His coach pats him on the back trying to get him back into the game. He looks at him like he is crazy causing the old man to back up.

“I’m fine, babe. Go back to the game. Your mom and dad will come with me, right?” His parents nod, confirming what I said.

“Does it look like I give a shit about the game? My fiancée and baby are going to hospital and so am I.” His dad looks perplexed and unsure what to do.


