Pregnant by the Joc Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“Monroe, listen. We have to finish the game. I’m sure your little girlfriend…” That was the wrong thing to say. Cobi turns on him so fast everyone steps back.

“Did you just say my little girlfriend? Is that what I heard, coach?”

“Jacobi, son, calm down.” His father tries to reason with him.

“Screw that dad. Would you let someone belittle mom’s place in your life?”

“No son I can’t say I would.”

“That’s what I thought. So, let’s get one thing clear, I don’t give a shit about this game. I either get on that ambulance with her, or I rip this fucking jersey off and never step foot on that field again. Do you understand?” His coach throws his hands up and back up. He jumps into the ambulance with me and the doors close.

The entire ride to the hospital is quiet and tense. I know he is pissed at me, and I can’t blame him. Now we are in the hospital room, a strap of some kind is wrapped around my belly, the nurse says it is monitoring the heartbeat of the baby, I reach my hand out and grab his. “Are you going to say anything, Cobi?” He shakes his head no and continues to keep his eyes closed.

“I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want me to come. I thought you were being silly. I wanted to come and show you nothing would happen. I just wanted to support you and cheer you on.” My voice is watery because now the enormity of what could have happened is sinking in and I feel like a bad mother.

“Angel, don't cry, please.” I didn’t feel him move, but now he is sliding into my hospital bed, holding me. “I am not angry at you. I am scared. Worried about our baby and you. Seeing blood on your skin almost killed me, baby.”

“I know. It looks worse than it is.” He nods, but I can still see the worry. The nurses have already cleaned my knees and hands. No stitches, Just antibiotic ointment.

“Hello kids. What do we have here?” The doctor walks right to the machine and looks at the papers coming out. “Seems your baby’s heartbeat is looking great. Nothing to worry about. The nurse says you don’t need stitches. So, I am sending you home. How does that sound?”

“It sounds amazing.” I say, rubbing Cobi's head.

“I figured. Just take it easy for a day or two. No picking up heavy things, no rough sex and maybe spend a day or so in bed. I would like for you to follow up with your O.B in a week. Do we understand young lady?” Before I can nod, Cobi jumps in just as I suspected.

“You are damn right she is going to take it easy. Even if I have to tie her to the bed.” he says like he didn’t just tell the doctor he manhandles me. I put my hands in my head, mortified he just blurted that out, but the doctor chuckles.

“Oh, to be young again.” Is the last thing he says before walking out the door. The minute the door is closed he holds my face in his hands, all serious and stuff.

“You heard him angel. Take it easy.” I lay my forehead on his and kiss his lips, always surprised by how soft they are.

“I promise.”

Paperwork in hand, Cobi carries me out of the hospital and into the waiting car of his parents. They try to convince him to put me in a seat, but he refuses to put me down. “I can’t let go right now.” he says, buckling us both with his belt. I don’t say anything because there is no place I like better than in his arms.

“What did the doctor say?” His mom asks, handing me a bottle of water.

“Everything looked good. He just wants me to take it easy for a few days.” I lay back on Cobi’s chest and close my eyes.

“I assume my son is going to be seeing to that.” His father chuckles and shakes his head. I don’t bother responding. We are all on the same page. Cobi is going to be a tyrant for the next few days. I do look at him wondering why he isn’t saying anything but when I do he is looking down at me with a look I have never seen before, and it makes me uneasy. His eyes are intense and darker than usual. He says nothing, he simply leans down, kisses me softly and pulls back.

We pull up to the house and everyone gets out of the car. Cobi opens the door and I wiggle on his lap attempting to get out. “Don’t,” he says, gripping me hard. He slides us through the car and out. His hands are gripping me like someone is going to be coming along to take me from him.


