Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Or it could be the heat from the tub.

Brett’s grin splits his handsome face. “May I join you ladies?”

“The more the merrier,” Ginger laughs.

He’s come in alone. What happened to June and Heather?

Then again…who cares?

Sebastian may be gone, but Brett isn’t.

All’s fair in…well, whatever this is.

Brett turns, and we all stare as he slides his trousers over his hips to reveal a perfectly muscled bare arse—the kind that’s just begging for a bite.

We’re in trouble now…




Brett Dawson’s ass is a freaking work of art. Sitting in the hot tub with the others, I can’t help but stare, my neck tilted, as he stands on the pool deck, his back to us.

Not only is it perfectly shaped and muscled, but the pale moonlight filtering over the tub cloaks his naked body in silvery luminescence.

Yeah. I just had that thought. Me. Ariel Tanner from bumfuck Alabama is waxing poetic over a man’s ass.

Jealousy settles in my gut. How am I supposed to share Brett with three other women, all of whom are more beautiful and intellectual than I am?

He approached me first.

Then again, Sebastian approached Emily first, and now he’s off somewhere with Misty. Or maybe June, Heather, or Sienna.

Best not to choose favorites, at least not this early in the game. But how can I not? Brett has the looks of a surfer god, the brain of genius, and the charisma of a Hollywood star.

Plus he’s the only blond in the bunch, and I love blond hair. I always wished for it. My bestie back home, Jazz, is blond, and the guys always flocked to her more than to me.

In fact, if Evangeline had stumbled upon Jazz during her shift at the local bar, I’m sure she’d be here instead of me.

But I’m here.

I need to make the most of it, even if I don’t go home with a billionaire—which I probably won’t.

Time seems to be moving in slow motion. Brett hasn’t turned around yet. Instead, he walks, his back still toward us, to the pool house. A moment later he emerges wearing trunks.


We’re all naked as jaybirds and he’s going to cover the goods?

“Really, Mr. Dawson,” Emily says with a scoff as Brett steps into the hot tub. “You do know we’re all naked, right?”

“Oh, I know.” He winks.

“I’m with Emily,” Ginger announces. “Maybe we’d like to see a little more of you.”

“I’m thinking of you ladies,” Brett says. “I don’t want anyone to feel threatened.”

“There are four of us,” I say dryly. “Besides, Evangeline guaranteed our safety.”

Rachel hasn’t spoken at all.

Brett squeezes in next to me—his chest is muscular, hairless, and perfect—with Ginger on his other side. “So…what are we talking about?”

“What do you think?” Emily says with a sly smile. “About you. And the others.”

“And have you come to any conclusions?”

“Not really,” Ginger says. “This is only the first day. Not even a full day. An evening.”

“Exactly.” Brett relaxes, stretching his arms around the edge of the tub. He’s not touching Ginger or me, but if he lowers his arms slightly, he will be. “We knew this would be difficult. We need to get to know each of you, and we want you to get to know each of us.”

He’s right, of course. That doesn’t help the ache of jealousy in my gut, though.

“So tonight, I’d like to get to know…” He looks past Ginger to Rachel, and then back to Ginger. He turns his head, focuses his gaze on Emily, and lastly on me. “You.”

My heart thunders as I swallow. Me? After I made such a fool of myself with him earlier? It was one thing to dance with him. We weren’t alone. But⁠—

“You, Ariel. Are you up for it?”

“It’s…late,” I say.

“That’s true.”

Emily pokes my thigh under the water.

“But sure.” I will my voice not to stammer. “What would you like to do?”

“Whatever you’d like. We can go inside and have a drink. Or we can take a moonlit walk on the beach. We can watch a movie in the home theater. Any of those sound enticing?”

He didn’t mention going to his room for a fuck.

Which honestly doesn’t sound bad at all. Despite my worries that I’m the youngest and might be seen as easy if I just tumble into something with one of these billionaires, I can’t help my curiosity. Now that I’ve seen a lot of what Brett has to offer, I’m eager to see the rest.

But he’s right. He needs to get to know me before he decides if he wants to try anything physical. I’d do well to remember that myself. I can’t be getting starry-eyed over a handsome billionaire. Sex isn’t love. Men never seem to have an issue separating the two. Why is it so difficult for me?

“The walk, maybe,” I finally reply. “Or a movie, but I can’t guarantee I won’t fall asleep.”


