Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

More giggles, and Brett, who’s next to me, gives me a side-eye.

I silently tell him to fuck himself.

“I’m not quite sure,” Ginger says. “Can I touch the others before I make my choices?”

“Of course,” Evangeline says.

Trina guides Ginger to Brett, and she feels him up, taking less time than she did with me.

Then on to River.

She gives him a good pat down, similar to what she gave me, and then the same with Alex, commenting on musculature but never again nipple size. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult to me.

“May I touch the first one again?”

“Absolutely,” Evangeline says.

She goes straight for my shoulders this time, caressing the bottom of my neck as well. “Okay,” she says. “Number one, here, is Alex. Number two is Brett. Number three is Sebastian, and number four is River.”

“You may remove your blindfold,” Evangeline says.

Ginger slides the silk from her eyes and drops her jaw. “Only one out of three?”

Evangeline smiles. “It’s more difficult that you think, isn’t it?”

Next, Ariel grips tight to Trina’s hand, making me feel sure the cloth tied over her eyes isn’t allowing her to see anything through it. The other men and I switch places.

River is first in line this time. Ariel, her hands slightly shaking, reaches toward him and caresses his shoulders first. Unlike Ginger, she doesn’t make any commentary. Just as well. I don’t need to hear another treatise on my nipple size.

I’m next, and Ariel’s hands are small and cooler than Ginger’s. Her touch is sweet but tentative. She’s obviously nervous. She glides over my shoulders and chest quickly, more quickly than with River. She spends even less time on Alex and Brett.

“I don’t know,” she finally says. “I’ll guess number one is River, number two is Sebastian, number three is Alex, and number four is Brett.”

Give the girl a freaking medal! She got us all right.

“Nicely done,” Evangeline says. “Take off your blindfold.”

Ariel removes the silk and her eyes go wide. “I got them all?”

“You did.” Evangeline claps her hands together. “Who would you like to share lunch with?”

“Today? On the boat?”

“No, dear. Today is for everyone. Your lunch date will be tomorrow or some other time. It's up to you.”

“Can I…think about it?”

“Of course you can, but if someone else gets them all right, she may choose the gentleman you have your eye on.”

Ariel’s cheeks go pink. “All right. I choose…Sebastian.”

I stop myself from dropping my jaw. I glance toward Brett, who’s gone rigid.

Interesting choice, Ariel. I give her a rock-star smile. “It’ll be my pleasure, beautiful.”

After we switch positions again, Trina escorts Emily to the front. I’m in the fourth spot this time, and a sliver of jealousy hits me when Emily slides her fingers over Brett’s hairless pecs.

I suppress it. I’ve got a date with Heather tonight and a lunch with Ariel soon, and I want to give them my full attention.

Emily gets to me at the end of the line in record time. “Got it,” she says, after touching my shoulders and pecs lightly. “In order, it’s Brett, Alex, River, and Sebastian.”

“Unreal,” Evangeline says. “You may take off your blindfold, Emily.”

“I don’t need to. I already know I’ve got them all.” She slides the silk off her face with a satisfied smile.

“How’d you do that so quickly?” Trina asks.

“I have an advantage,” she says. “Clothing is my business. I have to know exactly how a garment will fit on any particular body.”

“Who will be your lunch date tomorrow, Emily?” Evangeline asks.

She can’t choose me. Ariel already staked her claim, and though I’m looking forward to getting to know both her and Heather better, I still can’t forget the feel of Emily’s nipples under my tongue.

Emily faces me, her blue eyes like cerulean fire.

“I choose…Brett.”




The remainder of the ladies play the game, but in the end only Emily and I were able to identify all the men by touch.

Emily is throwing sharp knives at me with her eyes.

Why did I choose Sebastian for my lunch date, anyway? He’s wildly attractive, and I’m a fan of his music, but I’d love to get to know River too. I already have a date with Alex tonight. I was determined not to choose Brett—he’s the one I wanted to name.

But he was right last night. Both he and I must get to know the others, and I refuse to confuse attraction, sexual chemistry, and infatuation with love.

Never again.

But why didn’t I say River?

I don’t want to hurt Emily. She’s my only friend here.

I’m almost sure she chose Brett just to get back at me, but what she doesn’t know is that the name “Sebastian” simply popped out of my mouth when Evangeline forced me to choose. I didn’t want to reveal how into Brett I really am.

Sebastian is the opposite of Brett—long hair as opposed to short, brown as opposed to blond. Maybe if I can find something attractive about him, I’ll tamper down the feelings I have for Brett. I’ll make a real effort to get to know all the guys. But what I failed to think about was how Emily might see it. I’ve got to make sure she understands.


