Wrath – Heartlands Motorcycle Club Read online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30055 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 150(@200wpm)___ 120(@250wpm)___ 100(@300wpm)

Chain and Gage step around me to stand facing junior, one of them at each shoulder, and I clear my throat ready to get this shit show on the road.

“Let’s see. Maybe we should call the cops.” I run my hand down my face and grip my chin, narrowing my eyes at junior. “I think we may have some information that would interest them.”

“I don’t know what this is about, but you are on private property.” Junior is trying to keep his balls attached, but I’m about to lop them off with a dull, rusty knife.

“Look.” I scratch my nose, my patience thin. “I’m going to talk. You’re going to listen. You know a couple ladies by the names of Vivienne and Mona?”

His eyes shift and widen.

“Yeah, you do. See, we know them too. Only, they like us. Not so much you.”

“What are they talking about? Who are Vivienne and Mona?” Kristina’s father asks, his head turning from Jaxon, then to junior, then to me and finally back to Jaxon.

I run my hand down junior’s tie and flip the end of it up and down a few times, then fill in the blanks. “They are...ladies who provide services. Services, unfortunately, state law doesn’t view as legal. Now you gotta understand, to me, I don’t care. But, they are also friends of ours. See, the day of the fire, when you were there...your phone alarm went off. Seems you lost track of time, you were having so much fun dressing them up like little girls. Well, shall we say, if your fantasy were a reality you’d be doing hard time. See, Mona came into the bar that night. Saw the fire. Saw you going into the building. Thought the timing was interesting so we all put our heads together and guess what we came up with?”

He stands mute, which, as stupid as he is, is a smart move.

“Yeah. So, the other thing? Mona and Vivienne? See, they’re smart girls. They sent me this...” I pull out my phone, tap the screen a couple times and a video starts playing.

It’s got junior there, playing pedo-daddy with Mona. Smacking her around a little which he pays for, but it goes deeper. I’m all about fantasies, what goes on between consenting adults, but he takes it a little far.

“Hmmm? What do you think?” I tip the screen toward Kristina’s father, who looks for a second, then looks away. “Yeah. I don’t think the big wigs up at Baptist central are going to think you’re pastor material. So, here’s what we’re going to do. You,” I point to her father, “are going to stop fucking talking about Kristina marrying this fuck. Second, you—” My finger goes into junior’s chest. “You are going to resign and find yourself a new state to live in. Like tomorrow.”

“This is bullshit. I’ll have you all arrested. The sheriff is just waiting. You started that fire...”

“Uh, step down.” It’s Jaxon this time who chimes in. “See, I know our little place across the street may look like a little dive biker shit joint to you. But, we like people to think that way. We’ve got cameras all around our place. And two of them...” He pauses on a smile. “Are pointed right here at your lovely white church. And you know what we recorded the evening of the fire?”

Jaxon looks at all the guys, and then at Leonard, and settles on junior, leaning in to whisper. “Yeah, you. Dressed like some Halloween ninja, in the front door, out the back. And then you know what happened?”

Jaxon nods at me and I tap my phone again, bringing up the next video and hold it up to his face.

“Vivienne and Mona both saw you about a half hour later. You came in dressed in all black. See? They even have it on video, time stamped when you came in their place. Then, your alarm goes off and you have to leave about a half hour before you barged into the church, ready to ‘save’ the day. Only, I beat you there, you know why?”

“I’m not saying anything.”

“Good, because your fucking voice is irritating as hell. But I beat you because I fucking love her. I was there for her. I watch out for her. I don’t put her in fucking danger just to serve myself. You tried to set me up because I happened to be here at the right time, but that wasn’t your original plan, was it junior?” I shake my head. “No, you disabled the alarm, hoping the place would burn. You’d get a brand new church, Daddy here would be out and you step in and save the day. Such a hero.”

“What now boss?” Gage is getting anxious, and we need to move this party forward.

“You get your shit and get out of town. Got it?”


