Wrath – Heartlands Motorcycle Club Read online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30055 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 150(@200wpm)___ 120(@250wpm)___ 100(@300wpm)

When we came in, Gage, Jaxon and Chain were here and a few other brothers too, and if things go the way I think they’re going to, I’m going to need them very soon.

“So, the murder two charge...”

She’s left the best for last.

“Manslaughter.” I correct, but she gives me a ‘whatever’ sort of look.

“What happened? You served time for that.”

“I did. Found this dude at a bar holding a girl by her neck in the back room. She wasn’t playing the ‘no’ card. Barely sixteen turns out and he was older than me now. I don’t know, was a bad day I lost it. Beat him bloody but didn’t think I killed him...turns out I was wrong. But it was the right thing to do.”

“Seems you were doing the Lord’s work then?”

I shrug, it’s hard to breathe around her even when she’s interrogating me like some mafia enforcer looking for intel. She smells so god damned sweet, and my mouth is watering remembering what her cunt tastes like.

My dick has been hard since we sat down. I love when she’s tough, makes me want to bend her over and fuck the tough out of her.

“The Lord works in mysterious ways.” I lean in, take her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “You’ve gotta believe that. You and me. That’s a mystery.”

“I guess it is.” Her voice trembles slightly, and it makes me fucking harder when I know I affect her.

“I answered all your questions. Now you are going to answer one of mine.”

“I am?” She raises her eyebrows, but doesn’t move her face from my pinching fingers.

I sniff, curling my lip a bit, then ask the only question that matters to me. “Who do you belong to?”

She stalls, I can see the conflict in her face but I see the answer in her eyes.

“Don’t fucking think about it, just answer. From your gut. Right now, who do you belong to?” My voice is hard, louder, but it does what I need.

“You.” It’s one small word but it’s everything I needed to know.

“Good girl. Now, get your tits out. I’m going to start there, then I’m going to put you on your knees and let that pussy of yours worship my cock for a while.” She pauses as I let her chin go. “Now.” I order, and her lips curl upward as her hands go to the buttons on her shirt.

BY THE TIME WE WERE done fucking, I came out of the back room and Roxanne and Tammy, Chain’s mom, had joined Stella and Peaches at the bar.

I introduced everyone, let them know Kristina was my woman now and as things go, once that’s established, she’s part of the fold and the ladies all gave me some shit but took Kristina under their hen wings and shooed me away, which is exactly what I needed.

“Wha’ts up, Chaplain?” Chain looks up from his coke, and Jaxon, Gage and Ranger wait for my answer.

“I need you guys on my back tonight. I’ve got some business across the street.”

Jaxon’s our club enforcer and he’s always there for us, but he’s smart and always wants whatever background he can get because it helps in any conflict. “The church? What the fuck are we going to do at the church?”

“You guys have rival sermons going?” Gage chimes in.

“Just need to set some things straight. Shouldn’t be any push back. I just want to make it clear I’m not fucking around and things are as they are. No negotiation.”

“I’m in.” Chain finishes his coke. “Need to stretch my legs and move around. Meadow has been feeding me so much I’m going to need gastric bypass if I’m not careful.”

They’re all on their feet following me out the door and straight to the double doors of the church.

We march down the hall and I can almost hear the walls screaming, wondering what a group like us is doing in a divine place like this.

What I didn’t tell Kristina, is I’ve got some leverage on junior. When he came on the scene, I smelled his shit and it didn’t take long for me and a couple of the guys to do some inquiries and follow his ass until we turned up some less than godly activities.

Always good to go into the game with a trump card in your hand.

As we come around the corner toward the office, we run smack into junior and Kristina’s father.

“What are you doing in here? You can’t be in here!” Her father furrows his brows and I put up my hands.

“Just here to have a chat.”

“Call the sheriff.” Junior barks at Leonard, and he starts to reach in his jacket but Jaxon steps forward and brushes his hands down his shoulders, shaking his head.

“Let’s not.” His voice is gravely and deep, and he stands a couple inches in front of her father not giving him any space.


