Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

“What do you want?” I ask, my heart hammering harder against my ribs.

Only a deep, rumbling purr answers me back.

I bite my lip in consideration.

If whatever is holding me wanted to hurt me, it probably wouldn’t purr…

The tail tugs on me again, pushing me until I’m lying on my side. Then I sense either more of the tail or something else coiling around me, like a snake.

Oh god, please don’t let it be a snake!

A puff of hot air hits me in the face then the impenetrable darkness is broken by two large golden orbs.

No, not golden orbs.

Golden eyes.

Eyes that are staring at me without hunger or malice.

“W-what are you?” I stammer as a huge, monstrous face begins to take shape.

But as soon as I ask the question, I already know the answer.

I’ve seen the look in those eyes before.

It’s the same way Raphael looks at me…

With love and devotion so strong, it takes my breath away.

A wave of warmth washes over me simply thinking Raphael’s name again. And the place between my breast, where the mark stains me, pulses.

The dark monster peering at me purrs in pleasure and nuzzles against my face before laying its head gently in my lap.

I stiffen at first then remember this monster saved me from the Prophet. Why? I have no idea. But I’m sure it doesn’t want to hurt me.

The way it’s curled and coiled around me is protective.

Perhaps even possessive.

“Thank you,” I say quietly and suppress a shudder.

If this creature hadn’t shown up when it did, who knows what would have happened to me? I doubt it would have been pleasant.

The Prophet most likely would have tortured me with more pain or worse.

As if it knows exactly what I’m thinking, the creature nuzzles its face into my stomach and purrs so loud the vibrations travel through its body, surrounding me with a comforting sensation.

Looking down at the top of its head, I have the sudden urge to touch it. To show my gratitude.

Tentatively, I move my arm and place my hand on top of its head.

The creature purrs softly now and moves its head, rubbing it against my palm.

Closing my eyes so I don’t burst into tears, I start to stroke the top of its head. Petting the monster like it’s a pet.

My pet.

My protector.

I don’t know how long I pet it, feeling completely safe for the first time in my life, when I sense a sudden shift in the atmosphere.

My mark doesn’t throb or pulse. It pounds, sending waves resonating up and down my skin.

Opening my eyes, I look up to see Raphael standing in front of us. Staring at us with a befuddled expression.

Despite his expression, every fiber of my being rejoices at seeing him alive and well.

“Raphael? Is it really you?”

He slowly nods his head and says gently, “We need to leave, Alena. You’re safe now. Fred and I made sure of it.”

I frown, confused. “Fred?”

He points at the monstrous head laying in my lap. “That’s the name I gave my berserker.”

I glance down at the head, whose golden eyes are peering up at me, then back at Raphael. “You named him Fred? Seriously? That’s the best you could come up with?”

As if he’s agreeing with me, Fred purrs a deep rumble and nuzzles against my stomach.

Raphael sighs and reaches his arm out to me. “Yes. That’s the best I could come up with. It seemed ironically fitting at the time.”

I stare at his hand for a moment then look away.

Continuing to stroke Fred’s head, I state, “I don’t want to leave. I like it here.”

Raphael doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, but I can somehow sense he’s perplexed and impatient, like they’re my own emotions.

“You can’t stay here, my love,” he says, his tone remaining gentle. “You must return to your own body.”

I jerk my eyes back to Raphael’s face. “My own body? What do you mean?”

Raphael’s eyes gleam, and though he wants me to leave, desperately wants me to leave, he’s also trying to suppress his delight over this situation as he explains, “You’re inside me.”

“What?” I shake my head, unable to wrap my mind around it. “How am I inside you?”

He steps closer, thrusting his hand out to me. “I used the bond to pull you into me.”

That… makes absolutely no sense to me.

“Come,” he coaxes. “I’ll explain it all later.”

I’d refuse again, but I can’t block out his growing urgency. He’s worried about something but doesn’t want to say it.

Even Fred begins to uncoil his body from around me and nudges me toward Raphael with his wet nose.

Still, I hesitate and ask, “Will I be able to come back?”

Finally losing the last of his patience, Raphael lunges forward with that vampire speed of his and latches onto my hand. “Yes.”

Before I can say goodbye to Fred, Raphael spins me around in his arms and shoves me into the black, gaping maw of the abyss.


