Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

But I don’t want to ruin this moment.

This moment that is pure happiness for her.

Pushing the half-eaten carton of fries into my hands, she says, “I’m full.”

I nod, satisfied that she has some sustenance in her now.

Then she stands up from the bed. “I need to brush my teeth.”

She walks into the attached bathroom and closes the door behind her.

I hate having a door between us, separating us, and I’m badly tempted to force my way inside the small room.

But I toss the fries into the bag, set it down on the floor, and clench my hands into fists to restrain myself.

If she knew how much I need her near me to keep me sane, she’d probably be terrified.

If the wall she put up would even allow such an emotion…

Fuck. That’s a chilling thought.

What if the wall is permanent?

Would I even be able to turn her without the bond connected on both ends?

What if she ends up eternally stuck like this?

There’s still so much we don’t understand when it comes to the soulmarked. So many unknowns and mysteries.

We only know that our mates develop the mark that connects us to them sometime after puberty. But we don’t know what triggers it.

Some develop it right away, while others can take years.

Andrei has devoted the majority of his vampiric life to studying the bonds, and he hasn’t gotten any closer to the truth than the rest of the vampiric community.

Not that I trust the vampire community as a whole to share any real information.

Andrei swears there’s an answer, but I’ve wondered at times if it’s simply some cosmic will that creates the spark and starts the process.

When Alena exits the bathroom, I can smell her minty breath from across the room.

But she’s still… dead inside.

I need to find a way to bring her back to life.

I’ve fucked up so many things. I won’t fuck up this.

Grinning, I make sure my fangs are hidden. “Now that you’ve eaten, I believe I owe you some kisses.”

Alena’s slow smile returns to her beautiful face, and it’s like watching a painting come to life.

Lust surges through the bond follow by excited giddiness.

When she rejoins me on the bed, I turn my body toward her and gently touch her chin.

Unholy gods, her skin is perfection.

As is the pink tongue that glistens her lips in anticipation.

This self-restraint I must impose on myself, though, is fucking maddening.

How can I possibly be expected not to throw her on the bed and take everything I can from her?

Not to lick and bite her flesh?

Feed off her and nourish her with my blood in return?

Fill her with my cock as I give her eternal life?

It goes against my very nature.

When we meet our soulmarked, when we’re this close to them, instinct rules us.

Creating a hunger… a lust… and need for completion beyond human comprehension.

We’re like beasts with one purpose.

Stop! I scream inside my head when my fangs burst through my gums.

I will not fuck this up.

I will rise above.

For her.

For her, I will fight what I am.

I will not act the monster…


Pulling her closer, I dip my head down and peck her lips once. Testing my self-control.

Her lips are delicate yet sinfully full. I want to nibble on them but resist the urge.

If I must die again, I want it to be with her lips pressing against me.

Testing my restraint once more, I kiss her harder. Wishing I could do more.

But I’ll accept these pieces and scraps over the void.

When I suckle on her bottom lip, she slowly opens her mouth.

Pouncing on the opportunity, I thrust my tongue inside to taste her sweetness.

Her tongue eagerly rubs against mine, fast and hard.

And the lust surging through the bond fogs up my own head.

But somewhere in the back of my brain, I know there’s more than desire driving her.

She wants to feel good and forget everything.

Forget her pain. Forget her fear.

Forget her misery.

With each thrust of her tongue, she’s begging for an oblivion full of only pleasure and safety.

This I can give her.

Even if it fucking kills me.

Putting my own desires to the side, I focus solely on her need.

Our kiss stretches into an eternity of bliss bordering on agony. Our tongues stroking against each other and chasing a relief I may never receive.

Wanting to be closer to me, she crawls into my lap, and it’s almost my undoing.

Every fiber of my being screams for me to push this further. To end my own suffering.

To finally become whole.

Take her, she can’t stop you, the beast demands.

But it’s still too big of a risk.

I don’t want a mindless zombie. I want all of her. Without the fucking wall between us.

She presses her lush body against me, her breasts smashing against my chest.

And my cock strains painfully against the zipper of my pants.

When I feel her heart beating against my ribs, though, I somehow get a grip on myself.


