Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

“I will not live with you while you sleep with both my brother and his best friend,” she sneered. “Sluts like you are the reason people like me will never have a happily ever after.”

I sighed and looked away from her, her words cutting me deep, just like she wanted them to. “I am not a slut,” I told her, clenching my jaw.

“Sleeping with two men? A fucking slut,” she snarled.

I drew in a deep breath. I needed out of this room with her before I had an anxiety attack. “I hope you get better, Alli,” I told her quietly.

I tried to move past her, but she shoved me. My foot slipped from beneath me, and I fell back with a shriek of alarm, my eyes widening as my arms flailed for something to grab. Her eyes widened in horror right before my head hit the ballet bar and everything went dark.


My head was pounding when I woke up. I released a low groan of pain and reached up to rub my head. I was lying on a hospital cot, but I recognized the infirmary when I opened my eyes.

Julian and Axel were both in my room. Axel was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, his head hanging as he rested his eyes. Julian was asleep with his head lying on the bed beside my hip, his hand holding my other one.

“Fuck,” I croaked with a wince as I moved my head.

Both men jerked to attention, their eyes focusing on me. “Can one of you get a nurse?” I asked.

“Yeah, baby girl,” Julian said as he stood up. “Axel, take my spot.”

The two men quickly traded places before Julian walked out of the room in search of a nurse. I looked over at Axel. “Something is really wrong with Alli,” I told him bluntly.

He nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand, bringing my hand up to his lips to press a kiss to my fingers. “Dr. Gresham put her in a secluded, padded room. She’s acting out.” He drew in a deep breath. “My sister was pregnant,” he told me quietly. Pain lanced through my chest for her. I knew that pain; I knew what she was going through, and I hated it for her. “No one knew, not even the child’s father, apparently. She miscarried when she caught him cheating on her, or so she says. Her story is that she walked in on them sleeping together at his house, but he swears up and down that he wasn’t home, and it was his brother.”

Axel sighed. “She believes he cheated on her. So, she went home and tried to kill herself with her antidepressants. Everything combined caused her to miscarry.” He blew out a harsh breath. “Dr. Gresham thinks that she’s suffering from postpartum psychosis.”

“Axel, I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

He shook his head. “She’s going to finally get the help she needs, sweet girl. I hate that all of this shit had to happen to her to finally get her the help she needs, but she’s getting it, nonetheless. Dr. Gresham is trying to figure out a treatment plan for her to get it under control.”

“I hate that she’s suffering so much,” I told him honestly. He gave me a small smile. “I know how she’s feeling. She’s lost and confused. For her, it feels really dark right now. It’s natural for her to lash out.”

“Sometimes, I hate that you’re so understanding,” Axel admitted. “But it’s endearing. You’re so compassionate, sweet girl. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

Julian stepped back into the room with a nurse. I gave her a small smile, though it quickly dropped when she didn’t take her eyes off of Julian. I cleared my throat, drawing her attention to me. “My head is hurting pretty badly,” I told her, a bit of hostility in my voice. Julian smirked at me. Axel brought my hand to his lips. “Is there something I can take?”

“Oh, yes,” she said, stepping back into her nurse mode instead of ogling Julian. “Let me get you some Tylenol.”

“Our woman has claws,” Julian teased as he moved to the other side of my bed and leaned down to kiss me. “Sexy as hell when you get territorial, baby girl.”

I blushed red to the roots of my dark hair. Axel laughed and pressed another kiss to my hand. The nurse stepped back into the room, her eyes widening when Julian brushed the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. I placed my hand against his chest to push him back some, but he only shot me a wicked smirk and caught my hand in his, leaning down to kiss me again. “Be nice,” he teased before he stood up to his full height.

“Um, I have your Tylenol,” the nurse stammered, obviously shocked at the scene she had just walked in on.


