Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)
“You always said you never wanted a family,” Elliot mutters.
“Is that true?” I ask.
Logan nods. “I never thought I’d be capable of love before I met you. I thought my scars ran too deep. That I was a lifelong Tom Joad.”
The mention of the emotionally scarred character from Wrath triggers something in me. It takes me back to the interview for the job. Things seemed much simpler then—our desire was an undercurrent rather than an overpowering tsunami rushing us ahead.
When one sob turns into two, then three, Logan leaves his chair and comes to mine. He pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. I know we should wait until Elliot gives his blessing, but I also know we might be waiting forever.
I push my face against his firm chest, crying fiercely. A mixture of relief, happiness, and dread that this might end, either when Logan meets with Sal or less dramatically, less violently, in this room when my brother shatters our dreams.
“I love you,” Logan whispers. “I never thought I could, but you changed me. And I love our child already.”
“I love you both, too,” I say, struggling to get the words out past my shivering emotion. “So much.”
“Elliot,” Ruby says firmly. “I know this is hard for you, but look at them. Can you seriously look at them and say they don’t belong together?”
Logan wraps his arm around me, turning to Elliot and Ruby. Ruby clutches onto Elliot’s hand, gesturing at us with her other. Everybody has tears in their eyes. Everybody is caught up in the intensity of the moment.
“No,” Elliot whispers after a pause. “When I look at them – when I look at you…” He shudders, wiping a tear from his cheek. “I see love, I see dedication. I’ve been an ass, haven’t I?”
“No, Elliot,” Logan says firmly. “You’ve been what I always want you to be: a protective older brother. Things are different now. I can’t tell you I’ll turn my back on Piper because that would mean turning my back on my family. After the darkness we escaped from, you know I can never do that. I’m going to stand by my woman. I’m going to stand by our child. Forever.”
Elliot wipes another tear from his cheek, then gives up as more flow down his face. “I always wanted you to find someone, to be happy,” he says. “Both of you… I just never expected it to be each other.”
“I didn’t plan this,” Logan says. “But the moment we kissed, that was it. I was ruined for anybody else. I can’t even imagine being with anybody else. Piper’s my one, my only, the love of my life.”
Elliot sniffles. “I can’t stand in your way.”
Ruby smiles before I let myself dare to.
“Does that mean…” I can’t finish the sentence, hardly daring to let myself dream.
“It means I want to put this behind us,” Elliot says. “It means I want us to be happy.”
“It means if you two don’t kiss,” Ruby yells, crying and laughing, “I’m going to lose it! But first, let me distract big bro.”
Elliot laughs as Ruby grabs him and leans up for a kiss.
Logan wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. Joy spreads through every part of me, happiness so intense it’s like a drug. When our lips touch, I know we’ll never be apart again.
Then I think of the mob. Of Sal. And the moment threatens to be ruined.
But when Logan kisses me with even more heat, his hands sinking into my hips with a natural feeling, I can’t think about anybody else.
“Easy, you two,” Ruby says, giggling. “I can’t distract Elliot that much.”
Logan stops the kiss with obvious effort. Elliot reaches across the table, which feels like reaching across a weeks-long divide. “Congratulations, Logan,” he says.
Giddiness flickers in me as they shake hands. “Thanks, Elliot.”
“And you…” Elliot walks around the table, pulling me in for a hug. “You’re going to be the best mom, Piper.”
I hug my big brother tightly. “Thank you. I love you, Elliot.”
“I love you too.”
Piper texts me the next day as I sit opposite the rundown bar where I’m due to meet with Sal Mangano.
Piper: Please be careful.
The FBI has already wired me up. It’s dangerous, but it’s necessary. I need him gone. I don’t want my woman or my friend looking over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.
Logan: Soon, this will all be over.
As I wait, I think about last night, finally taking my woman to bed after weeks of waiting and dreaming. Even now, with all at stake, my body responds with hot carnal energy at the memory. Our lovemaking was more intimate this time, more of a two-way street as she confidently climbed into my lap and rode me, our hands clasped, our gazes locked together.