Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

“I need to tell you all something,” I reply.

“Maybe you should’ve seen Logan alone first.”

Shock sends my eyebrows up.

“I know,” Elliot says, reading me. “But you look like you won’t be able to keep your hands off him. Even a blind man could see how much you love him.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” I say with a challenge. “He’s a good man. A hero. He saved us, Elliot. He’s always done the right thing.”

“Being with his best friend’s sister is the right thing, is it?”

“Is it wrong?” I challenge him. “Would you go that far?”

He grits his teeth, then shakes his head. “Seeing how miserable you’ve been these last three weeks – and see you perk up now – I don’t even know anymore.”

When Logan walks into the room, I almost rush to him. My legs twitch, and my heart pounds. My body responds in other ways, too, aching and pulsing, sending desperate signals to sink my touch into his firm arms, to feel his solid chest, to press my lips against his until we’re both hot and ready for more.

Logan wears a casual T-shirt, showing his enormous arms, one hand still in a cast. He hasn’t shaved in a few days and has a sprinkle of silver over his strong jaw. As I stare at him, I feel his hair tickling me in an imagined kiss.

“Would anybody like anything to drink?” Ruby says, attempting to break the tension.

“I’m fine,” I murmur, feeling like I might puke it up if I risk anything.

“Me too,” Logan says, staring at me, his eyes twinkling like stars that were on the verge of dying before they found their fuel—before they found me.

Call me cheesy. Over the top. I don’t care. That’s what he looks like: an ember turned to a flame, turned to an inferno in my presence. His muscles strain as if he’s fighting the deep desire to be physically close to me.

I know because my body is doing the same, every sinew aching as hunger tries to send me flying into his arms.

“Maybe we should all just sit down,” I murmur, struggling to keep the shakiness out of my voice.

Ruby gives me a look of support. She’s the only one who knows how big this is and how important it is. We don’t plan the seating arrangements, but it happens that Logan and I sit on one side of the coffee table, Elliot and Ruby on the other.

It’s like we’re getting ready for a war of words. We’re sitting on separate chairs, but knowing I could reach over and touch Logan makes my entire body sizzle with the possibility. I almost want to sit on my hands to stop myself.

Three weeks apart has got me experiencing all the feels.

“So, what is this about?” Elliot says.

I take a breath, my hands smoothing over my belly. “Before the stuff with Sal, Logan, and I, we had some private time outside the city.”

Elliot nods. “Okay…”

“Private time, Elliot,” I say, hoping he gets the hint without me having to say it.

“Oh,” he murmurs a moment later. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because it had consequences.”

Logan gasps, turning to me. I search his face for any sign of distaste, regret, any sign he wants to run now he’s guessed the truth. But there’s nothing but support there. He looks at me as if he’s sending a mind-made text. I’ll always be there for you.

“Are you saying…” Logan swallows, then reaches across and touches takes my hand. I know it could be a mistake. I know this is dangerous. But the moment we touch, I can’t let him go. “What I think you are?”

I blink, tears welling in my eyes. “I’m pregnant,” I say.

“Pregnant?” Elliot gasps.

“Yes. And I want to keep the baby. I want to be the mother of Logan’s child. I want us to have a family, but I don’t want to lose you, Elliot. I can’t imagine my baby growing up without his uncle. I know this puts you in an awkward position.”

“We’ve put you in an awkward position,” Ruby mutters, her voice tight with emotion. “You’ve been so gracious…”

“I’m going to be a father,” Logan says, getting choked up.

“I’m going to be an uncle,” Elliot whispers, the same croak of emotion in his voice.

“Don’t you see?” Ruby says. “This can have a happy ending. I know it’s not normal, Elliot. None of this is normal. When we started dating, it wasn’t normal. But it meant something. It was passion and love and loyalty and so many other beautiful things. And sure, maybe Piper and Logan aren’t normal, either, but I’m sure they feel for each other just as we do.”

Logan holds my hand tightly, his eyes glimmering. “I love your sister, Elliot,” he says huskily. “I never wanted to hurt you, but I can’t ignore or deny the truth. I loved her the moment I kissed her.”


