Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

I think it’s the way he says he’ll take care of me and does it. I’ve never had that before, never had anyone willing to stand between me, and the rest of the world. It’s invigorating and freeing in a way I never knew.

What’s more astonishing is the fact that he doesn’t always say things out loud; he’s more the take action type. I get the sense that he’s the sort of guy who doesn’t make empty promises, that he’d only say what he means and would bend over backward to keep his word.

All of these things combined to make me into someone I hardly recognized in myself, which worked for the best just in case anyone had gotten wind of the little scandal Robert had tried to start. Who would believe I was guilty if they saw me so carefree and downright giddy?

No one was talking about the forum post though, so it was a good bet that it had died a quick death. And somehow I didn’t fear what Robert might come up with next. In fact, I’ve hardly given him a second thought since the whole thing happened and Drake came to my rescue.

I hadn’t told the principal about the attack, not quite ready to share, or to answer all the questions I know would follow. But I knew it wouldn’t be long before I’d have to. If only to give an answer as to why someone would do something like put the post on the forum.

I guess Robert had lost his teeth so to speak for me. Had Drake shown any fear or misgivings about the situation maybe then I would feel that lingering fear. But he’s been so take charge and sure of himself that I find it hard to hold onto the fear and insecurity that would usually dog my heels in a situation like this.

That night the class felt different. The guys were more talkative than usual, asking me more questions, some of which I was sure they knew the answers to. And when I took a quick peek at Drake, he was acting very nonchalant, as if this was a part of some scheme he’d cooked up.

With my new assertiveness I didn’t feel as awkward interacting with the boys and by the end of class it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My phone dinged with an incoming message, which I read on my way to the car.

‘Drive slow, I’ll catch up.’ I barely kept myself from looking over my shoulder in his direction and giving us away. I felt that sweet tingle between my thighs and rushed to get into the car and sit down before my knees gave out.


My phone rang just as I got into the truck. “So, you’re not coming home again?”

“Mom, I can’t leave her, not right now. There’s something I didn’t tell you last night.” And I’m not sure I should now either because you’re going to freak out.

“What is it?”

“She has a stalker?”

“She has a what?” I told her the story from beginning to end and hoped that she’d see things my way and not go off the deep end.

“I don’t know Drake, this sounds very dangerous I think you should…

“She has no one mom, no one but me that is. Did you raise your son to be that way, to leave her alone in her time of need?” Low blow Drake.

“Oh you’re good, you’ve very, very good. I’m not saying I agree with this, but I guess I can understand.”

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it. And you need to come home at some point. Make tonight the last night you sleep away from home, at least for a little while.”

“I can’t promise you that mom. But I can promise to be careful, and I love you.” I’m a bastard I know, but I know this woman very well. Part of her issue with Lizzie isn’t just that she’s older or that she’s my teacher.

It’s the fact that her baby boy has found someone he wants to spend time with. She’s never had to share me before, as awkward as that sounds. So now it’s up to me to find the perfect balance so that the two women in my life can get along.

I never had any doubts about Lizzie getting along with anyone, but mom is a whole other story. I put my phone away and drove out of the parking lot. Tonight had gone pretty much the way I’d expected it to.

It was the first time the guys had seen her since the forum thing and I’d spent the whole day dropping little hints in their ears. They already knew about the attack in the parking lot, and they could see for themselves that she was defenseless.

What they hadn’t known until I told them is that she’s all alone here. So now I’ve got them to see her as more than just the substitute teacher who would be in and out of their lives in a matter of weeks, but as someone who needed people behind her.


