Saving Daddy – MC Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 146666 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 733(@200wpm)___ 587(@250wpm)___ 489(@300wpm)

And never let her go.

“I’ll be fine. I promise. I can do this. As long as I don’t go near the door or windows.”

He studied her for a long moment, then gave a nod.

“All right. You’re a brave girl, Greer Savage.”

Yeah, she really wasn’t.

She was a big old wimp. But she wasn’t going to say that out loud and risk his awful singing.

“Right. I need you to listen to me. You do not have permission to go near the windows or to open the door. You do not have permission to leave. I am very serious.”

She could tell. Her heart pounded as she stared up at him.

Because she was so here for this. It somehow eased her mind to know that she wasn’t allowed to do something that terrified her. She didn’t know why. Maybe her brain was just wired this way. But him telling her no took the burden off her, so she didn’t have to make the decision. And she didn’t feel like such a coward.

“I understand.”

“Good girl. Because doing something like that will get you a whole hour of my singing.”


“I won’t. Greer is a good girl.” Uh-oh. Her Little was slipping free.

“Greer is a very good girl. Greer is going to stay a good girl by doing what she’s told, and then, I’ll bring her home a treat.”

Ooh, she liked treats.

“You like that idea, huh?” Hack grinned at her. “Be a good girl and you’ll get your treat. Promise me?”

“Promise. I said I was a good girl.” She frowned at him as though irritated that he didn’t believe her.

“Where is your phone? I’m going to put my number in.”

“Uhh. I don’t know where I put it.” She searched around under the blankets. “Phonie, where are you?”

Fuck. So cute.

“Uh-huh! I found it! I found it!” The enthusiasm on her face had him laughing.

“You sure did, baby.” He took it from her and added his number, then texted himself so he had her number.

She stared up at him, her face was pale and drawn. He needed to get her to bed early tonight. If he had his way, she’d stay in bed until those dark marks disappeared from under her eyes.

“Don’t answer the door for anyone, understand?”

“I understand.”

“That’s my good girl.”


As soon as he was gone, Greer could feel the anxiety trying to smother her. The blast of cold air from outside didn’t help.

It’s tropical outside.

Really warm.

It’s not snowing. And you’re not on your own.

Her breathing came faster. This was stupid. If she couldn’t see it, then she could imagine it wasn’t there . . .

I’m on my own.

Don’t be stupid. He’s coming back. Hack won’t leave you here.

Of course he wouldn’t. All she needed was a distraction. Something to take her mind off the fact that she was alone in the middle of a snowstorm.

What if he drove off the road?

What if he needed her and she was here . . . toasty warm and acting the coward.

Don’t be an idiot, Greer. Like a man like that would ever need you.

Her phone buzzed, making her cry out.

She scrambled for it, hoping it was him. Instead, it was a notification from DaddyDrew.

She groaned. He was one of the more persistent Doms on the site she’d signed up to. He seemed to think that because she’d spoken to him a few times that she owed him something.


You haven’t answered my messages, little puss.

Gag. She’d told him she didn’t like that name. Many, many times.

It was beyond time to block this guy.


That’s very naughty. You’ll have to pay for that.

Oh yep. It was definitely time to block.

Another message came in. This was from DaddyO. Okay, this guy was intense, but he wasn’t a complete dick like DaddyDrew.


Are you all right? I haven’t heard from you in a while.

She chewed her lip. What to tell him? She didn’t want to say too much and yet, she felt like she owed him an explanation.


I’m all right. Sorry I haven’t messaged. I’ve gone away to see family, so I’ve been traveling.


I hope you’re being safe, Bebé.

This is why she liked this guy. He didn’t try to ask for details about where she was going.

He just wanted her to be safe.

And his nickname for her was so much nicer than little puss. Gross. Gag.


I am. I’m with a friend now. I might not be around for a while.


I understand. If you need me, I am here.

She breathed out a sigh. Putting her phone down, she drew the blanket around her. Her phone buzzed again and she picked it up, expecting DaddyO.

Instead, she smiled, seeing Hack’s name.


Shop is busy. I might be a while. Be a good girl. Stay inside.

She rolled her eyes. She’d already told him that she was a good girl. What she needed was a distraction, though. She searched through the channels until she found a horror movie.


