Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
But as it turned out, things didn’t work out that way. Before we even got to Dovix Centra, Jessina got sick.
Iknew something was happening to my body—something bad. Ever since we’d gotten back to the ship, things had started changing.
For one thing, I was cold all the time now. I took hot showers and wrapped myself in all the blankets I could find, huddling in bed to try to keep warm, but nothing really helped.
The cold I could stand, and to my relief, the thirst I felt for Turk’s seed seemed to have abated. That was a good thing, since he was clearly never going to let me suck him again. But then, about two days into our trip to Dovix Centra, I began to feel something new…something strange.
It started with a tenderness in my nipples. They ached and got puffy and swollen. Shortly after that, they got so sensitive I could barely stand to have anything against them—even the soft fabric of my pajamas, which was what I was mainly wearing these days. (There was no point in putting on my uniform—Turk wouldn’t allow me to leave his quarters.)
I tried to ignore the pain in my nipples—I thought maybe it was just my cycle starting. But when it didn’t start, I had to admit it must be something else going on with me.
Then my breasts began to swell. I was horrified after taking a shower one morning to realize that they were considerably bigger than normal. Also, my puffy nipples were even more prominent, poking out much more than they used to.
I tried to ignore the problem, but it kept getting worse all day. By the afternoon something even stranger happened—my swollen breasts started leaking. That is, my nipples started producing a clear amber liquid. It was almost as thick as honey and it oozed down my breasts, leaving sticky trails on their undersides.
I took another shower and watched, horrified, as the amber liquid continued to swell in slow droplets and drip from my tight, aching nipples. My breasts were now almost twice the size they had been when I woke up that morning. What the Hell was wrong with me? I didn’t know but it was clear I needed help.
I tried to talk to Turk about it that night when he brought in my dinner tray.
“Turk, please,” I begged him. I was wrapped up in a blanket to keep from shivering. “Please, I think something’s wrong! I…I need help. I need to see the medic!”
The Illyrian’s medic was a kindly old male who was hard-of-hearing but still quite capable of stitching up a Crewmember who injured himself on duty or setting a bone if someone broke something. I had no idea if he would be able to resolve my current situation, but I needed help and he was the only one I could ask aboard the ship. He mostly stayed in his cabin until someone needed him, but I couldn’t get to him if I was locked up.
Turk looked worried for a moment and grudgingly raised his eyebrows.
“All right—what’s wrong with you?” he growled. The first words he’d spoken to me in days.
“It…it’s embarrassing,” I faltered at last. “I…it’s hard to explain.”
He glared at me.
“I’m not fucking calling the ship’s medic until you tell me what you need him for. I’m trying to keep the fact that I let a female on board quiet. The Crew are superstitious, you know—they wouldn’t like the idea of a woman on the ship during a long trip like this. It’s considered bad luck.”
“You’re as bad as the Salashions!” I snapped, losing my patience. “What’s the big deal about having a woman on board? What is it about having a vagina that makes me ‘bad luck?’”
“I don’t believe it myself, it’s just what most of the Crew thinks—they’re not very educated,” he growled. “Now are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or not?”
“No!” I snapped. “What I’m going to tell you is to fuck off! You’re keeping me a prisoner in here and it’s not fair! I should be navigating the ship—not cooped up in your quarters under house arrest for the crime of being a woman!”
His face grew dark and he set the dinner dray down on the small dresser to one side of the bed.
“Fine. Fucking be that way.”
“Fine! I fucking will!” I snapped back.
Turk gave me one more dark look and then left, locking the door behind him.
“You misogynistic asshole!” I shouted after him, fuming with irritation, but I doubted he heard me. The soundproofing in his quarters was pretty good—probably so the Captain could have some privacy.
A few hours later I had cause to regret my hasty words.
It was late—after Lights Out—and my breasts were even more swollen than they had been. I was leaking steadily now and my nipples were so sore the soft fabric of my night shirt felt like sandpaper rubbing against them.