Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
“Please, no, Captain! I can’t—I’m sorry.”
“Fine.” I let my hand drop. “We’ll forget about it, then.”
And I left him in bed and went to get dressed for the day. But I’ll admit, my heart was fucking sore from his rejection. I had offered to make him come when in the past, even the idea of putting my mouth on another man’s shaft would have made me sick. I had promised to be gentle and to make him feel good…and he had turned me down. I was hurt.
Little did I know that my new navigator was hiding a secret so huge it would put me and the whole ship in danger. But I was soon to find out…
After Turk tried to “make me feel good” and I rejected him, things got strained between us. I wished with all my heart I could have taken him up on his offer. It had been weeks now since I’d been able to come and I felt like a sexual ticking time bomb! But I couldn’t risk letting him find out my true identity—which would certainly happen if he started feeling around between my legs.
He still let me suck him, but then he turned away from me when I was finished drinking his cream. It hurt to feel his rejection after the intimacy we shared but I knew there was nothing I could do about it—not unless I was willing to reveal my secret. And I didn’t dare to do that.
Things came to a head when we finally reached the Triplex Cluster.
I found a quick, safe route to Gallion Five, a planet circling a red giant star where the trading partners of Clan Savage lived. I had to second guess and override the route Gurflug had already plotted, but that was becoming a regular thing.
I saw the Galafruxian’s bulging purple eyes narrow in rage as he watched me finish the route, but I no longer cared if he hated me. As Turk had said, he was not to be trusted. He might decide to jump the whole ship into a black hole out of spite, so his work had to be checked. So far I hadn’t caught him doing anything really dangerous, but the routes he plotted could almost always be improved on and I had no problem in doing that.
We made dock in the Gallion Five spaceport and everyone got ready to go. Turk was going to negotiate with the Salashions for new cloning implements and illegal drugs and whatever else it was his Chieftain wanted him to bargain for. The rest of the men on the ship got shore leave—with the understanding that they had to be back in time for supper in the Mess Hall.
I had planned to wander the spaceport and the dry docks, maybe picking up a few souvenirs of my first successful journey outside my home galaxy. I wanted something to commemorate my accomplishment—the successful execution of all my hard work and training.
But that was before Turk informed me that I was going with him.
“But why?” I asked, when he told me in his Ready Room as the rest of the ship cleared out.
“Because I said so,” he growled. He was wearing his best dress uniform and the gold braid on the shoulders was almost the same color as his eyes and horns.
I tried again.
“Surely I won’t be much use at the negotiations. I don’t even know anything about the Salashions or their customs and practices. I don’t even know what they look like!”
“They’re humanoid with purple skin and the males are completely hairless,” he said briskly. “The females have hair down to their ankles. Oh, and they all have four arms apiece and extremely long noses.”
“You still haven’t told me why I’m going with you,” I pointed out. I was still upset with him for being cold to me after I put off his advances. It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t give him free access to my body. Goddess, how I wanted to! But I just couldn’t.
“You’re coming so I can keep an eye on you,” he growled, frowning. “Goddess knows, this would be the perfect time for Jerx or Gurflug to try and take their revenge. And even if they didn’t, Gallion Five is home to some pretty scary animals. You can’t go wandering around a strange planet by yourself and expect to be safe.”
“Fine.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Then I’ll stay right here in the ship and just read.”
I wasn’t going to do that, of course—I wanted to explore! But it might get him off my back until he left the ship.
But Turk shook his head again.
“Don’t think so, little one. What if Jerx or Gurflug come back early and catch you alone? No, you’re coming with me.”
It seemed there was no way I could talk him out of it—though if I had known what was to follow, I would have tried a lot harder. Sighing, I straightened my uniform and followed him out into the busy spaceport.