Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Good, now watch…”

Suddenly he straddled me and grabbed for my wrists. I gasped and tried to fight him, but of course he was much too strong. In no time he was leaning over me with my wrists pinned to the floor, on either side of my head.

He had never seemed as huge as he did right at that moment, looming over me, and I had never felt so small and so helpless…or so hot.

“Uh…what?” I panted, because he’d said something I hadn’t caught. My heart was pounding so loudly in my ears I could barely hear him.

“I said, this is a bad position to be in,” he rumbled, looking down at me intently. “But I can show you how to get out of it.”

“How?” I asked breathlessly. I never would have guessed that being helpless under him would affect me so much. My body was reacting to this position in ways I never could have imagined—my nipples were aching and my pussy was so wet and hot I felt molten from the waist down. Goddess, what was wrong with me?

“You have to throw me off balance,” Turk instructed. “Bridge your hips and force me forward.”

“Uh…what my hips?” I asked, frowning.

It turned out that bridging just meant lifting my butt as far off the ground as I could and thrusting upwards with my hips. This caused Turk to fall forward and lose his grip on my wrists. In order not to overbalance and face-plant on the floor, he had to free my arms and catch himself with his palms.

“Good,” he said when I had mastered the first part of the move. “But remember, you’re still under me—under your attacker. You need to get out from under to get to safety.”

“Got it.” I started to wiggle away, but he shook his head.

“No—if I fall forward, my chest is in your face and you’re still pinned so you can’t get away. You need to grab me with your arms and thighs—wrap your legs around my midsection and squeeze—keep me off balance. Then you can roll and take me over. Once you’re on top, it’s safe to scramble up and run.”

We practiced this several times and I swore I could feel something hot and hard branding my belly when I wrapped my legs around his hips and pressed against him. Was that…what I thought it was? I thought it might be, but neither of us acknowledged it.

I wondered—could his hardness be just a byproduct of the intense physical activity? Or did he feel something for me, even though he thought I was a man? Was he finally reacting to the fact that we were Fated Mates in close proximity to each other?

I pushed the thought away and kept going—what else could I do?

I can’t tell you how hard my heart was pounding during all this, but it wasn’t just from desire. Turk was a big guy—he was easily twice as heavy as I was—and probably ten times as strong. After the first few times, he didn’t just let me roll him—he made me work for it. By the time I finally got him flipped on my own, I was sweating and breathing hard.

“Good—that’s good,” he rumbled, sitting up. “But there’s one more technique I want to teach you. Back on the floor.”

I lay on my back again, waiting to see what he would do next. This time instead of straddling me, he got between my legs.

I bit back a gasp as he spread my thighs wide and pressed between them. With only inches between us, I could feel the heat of his body as he wrapped his big hands around my knees to keep me spread wide and hold me in place.

“This is pretty much the worst position you can be in,” he rumbled, looking down at me intently. “From here your attacker can choke you…” He leaned down to wrap one big hand around my throat, squeezing lightly. “Or do anything else he wants,” he added darkly, and I knew exactly what he meant.

“What…how can I get out of this?” I asked, my voice going high and squeaky.

“First, pretend to capitulate,” Turk instructed. “I know it may be hard, but act like you’re giving in—make the attacker think he doesn’t have to hold you down. Then he’s more likely to release you and you’ll have more options to get free.” He nodded down at me. “Go on—do it.”

I could feel my face getting hot, but I had to do as he said.

“Please,” I begged softly, looking up into his bronze eyes. “Please, don’t hurt me. I…I’ll do anything you want—give you anything you want. Anything at all!”

“Gods!” His eyes blazed and he sat back for a moment, his fingers leaving my neck. I thought I felt something hot and hard brush against my crotch—was that his shaft? The light contact sent shivers down my spine and I was suddenly so hot and needy I was nearly panting.


