Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)
Bobbi shoots me a pleading look. And it’s unbelievable that he still thinks I’m stupid enough for him to manipulate. “You wouldn’t let them do anything to me, Posie. I’m your son’s father.”
“What is my son’s name?” I ask. When he doesn’t answer, I smile even though it hurts to do so. “You have no idea and will continue to have no idea. You put yourself in this situation.”
“Striker will come after you for this; it’s best you let me walk now,” he threatens, gripping the knife as if afraid it will go in deeper.
“Waylon could try, but we both know he would rather not start a war over a piece of shit who thinks it’s fun to hit women. You kept that secret quiet, didn’t you? I understand that he doesn’t want your kind back,” Eli answers as he stops next to Dutton. “I suggest you walk over to that car and get in nicely.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you people. I know who you are,” Bobbie spits, attempting to step back. But Hawke is behind him and, with a smile, throws his arm around Bobbi’s neck as if hugging him but terrifyingly tight. I watch as, after a few moments, Bobbi sags to the ground like a sack of shit.
“Ice. You need ice.” Dutton grabs my hand and leads me to the house.
“What are they going to do with him?” I inquire.
“You don’t have to worry about him again,” is the only answer he gives me. Like that’s enough, I glance back as we reach the front door and see Eli and Hawke dragging Bobbi to the car.
“How sore is it?” Dutton asks as I lift my hand to my face, flinching when I make contact.
“It’s okay,” I lie. And we both know it’s a lie. “I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing,” I whisper, the reality of having faced Bobbi one more time finally sinking in.
“It’s okay, Posie. This is my decision. The blood will be on my hands, not yours. Now, get in that house and ice your jaw before you have to get your son later.”
I walk to the kitchen on autopilot, and Dutton follows closely behind me. He goes straight to the freezer, grabs the ice cube tray, and finds a plastic bag to put the cubes in. He then gently removes my hand from my swelling jaw and places the ice bag on it. I flinch in pain, glaring at him accusingly.
“You need to ice it,” he says and tries again to put the bag against my face.
“It’s cold.”
“That’s the point.” He chuckles. And when he tries a third time, I let him and try not to pull away. He drops down in front of me and holds the ice against my jaw while he stares at me.
“Marry me.”
“Stop asking,” I reply, my jaw throbbing.
“I won’t.” He smirks.
“Can you kiss me? Just here.” I tap my other cheek. And without moving the ice pack, he leans forward and goes to my ear first.
“I will make you my wife one day and be your husband. I want to be very clear on that. No other man will ever hurt you or touch you again because if they so much as look at you, I will kill them.” And then his lips brush my cheek, and he ever so gently kisses me. Closing my eyes, I dream of what a life with him might be like.
And I hate that I’m already in so deep that there’s no looking back for me.
For the first time in a long time, there’s a new future for Bentley and me.
But first, the past has to be buried… permanently.
Ileft her, even though it killed me. I told her I would take her to pick up Bentley when I returned. And she told me a non-negotiable time to be back, or she would get him herself.
I glance at the watch on my wrist, then smile as I turn my focus back to Bobbi, who is currently trying to wiggle on the bed he’s strapped to.
“You can remove the gag,” I tell Ford, ignoring the other two men who are tied against the wall.
Ford is holding two crowbars. I always thought they were crude weapons, like Hawke’s spiked gloves. But I suppose we all have our things, I think as I eye the knife my cousin is holding for me.
Ford does as instructed, and Eli watches from his seat on top of a crate. I understand I’ve cost him a lot of money in this deal. But, somehow, I’ll make it up to him. I’m not one to usually create trouble for others, especially my family. But for her and Bentley, I was willing to set the world on fire, fuck the consequence.
I never understood love until now.
I was all of these things. I just hadn’t found the right family to whom to extend my unwavering loyalty.