Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“I didn’t think I’d be here a year ago. Married, a baby on the way, and brothers I can trust. This is a birthday I’m grateful for. To the assholes,” he croons.

“To the assholes, old and new,” Luke says.

I nod and throw my first shot back, then the second. For the next hour, the drinks just keep coming. The guys keep the laughs going and I’m having a good time.

When Rome goes inside for more drinks but doesn’t return, I head in for another beer and shot. I bob my head to the music as I step inside. A smile is on my face as the guys’ laughter follows me.

I find Alexis leaning over the bar, talking to Rome. My eyes fall to her ass. My brain doesn’t stop me before I walk up behind her, allowing my growing erection to poke her in her plump butt. I place my hands on the bar on either side of her.

“Let me have another shot and a beer,” I say to Rome. Then I lean down into Alexis’s ear. I say nothing at first, allowing my breath to fan her skin. “We don’t have to talk to fuck.”

She turns slowly and looks up at me. The look in her eyes causes me to tense and get ready for the slap. However, she places her hands on my chest, keeping her eyes on mine.

“That’s how we have a son. The next time you’re inside me, it won’t be to fuck, Ant. You’re going to make love to me and I’m going to show you how much I love you,” she says and taps the tip of my nose.

She turns back to the bar and rests her elbows on it. I frown, but instead of backing up and giving her space, I push in closer as I move a hand to her waist.

She looks back over her shoulder at me. I allow my gaze to travel over her body lazily. Yeah, I’m drunk and horny. That seems to be a theme with us.

I try to think of all the reasons why this is a bad idea, but all I can think about is watching her ass swallow me over and over for a few hours. I get ready to say some shit to make that happen, but Leo comes out of nowhere.

He looks like he’s seen a ghost. I place a hand on his shoulder.

“You all right?”

“No, Rome, can I get a beer?”

Alexis turns to him quickly. “Wait, I thought you were on call. You volunteered for baby duty because you could be called in and you’d need to ride back,” Alexis says with genuine concern.

I snort. “He volunteered because of the other volunteer.”

Leo’s cheeks turn pink and he ducks his head. “Yeah, well, that wasn’t the best idea. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah,” I say and nod for him to follow me.

“No, Lex, can I talk to you?”

“Um, yeah, sure.”

I grind my teeth. She’s moving in on my life. The life she walked away from. I don’t know why that makes me so angry. Yet it does. Everyone has pulled her in and made it seem like she’s one of us.

She’s not.

But you want her to be. Admit it. You’re not ready to walk.

* * *


“What’s up? How can I help?” I say to Leo.

“Kid is your best friend, right?”

“Yeah, we grew up together.”

“Um… I’m kind of into her, but I never thought I had a shot. She’s five years older than me. I’ve never seen her date and well, before you, I thought my brother was into her.”

“Okay, what changed?”

“I was sort of flirting. You know, shooting my shot. Not wanting to look like a pussy around my brothers and their friends.”

He pauses and swallows. “She started to flirt back. I thought she was joking at first, but she let me kiss her. One thing led to another, and we may have snuck off when Scarlett popped in to play with the kids.”

“Okay. You’re both adults.”

“Yeah, but… You know what, never mind.” He shakes his head.

“Leo, I’m not here to judge. What’s the problem?”

He shakes his head again. “It’s probably nothing. I’ll give her time and talk to her later,” he murmurs as he furrows his brows as if confused.

As soon as the words are out of his mouth, his beeper goes off. I almost laugh at the beeper until I remember he’s a doctor. He checks it and frowns. Then he leans in and hugs me.

“I have to go. The babies are all sleeping. You guys should be good to keep partying. I can’t wait for you and AJ to get settled back in Vander. Welcome to the family and back home, Lex.”

I smile up at him. He’s a handsome guy and really sweet. He reminds me of Ant when I first met him and we started dating, before I started to see his darker side.


