Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“I did, and she was until she heard me say you weren’t sure if you could make it,” my wife says with a smug grin.

Kelex pulls out his phone. “Oh, look at that. Looks like I might need to catch a flight.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, but I would. I can give Pit is birthday gift and be on my way. Ox is a big boy. I don’t think I need to show him how to get his wife back. I stay here, she might end up in my bed.” He shrugs. “Besides, you can’t drink with me, so what’s keeping me here?”

“Ugh, relax, she’ll be here.”

“Good, how can I be of service?”

“You’re allowing this asshole to take a shot at your cousin?” Tak says.

“I’m not allowing anything. They’re both adults and Kelex isn’t crazy. He wouldn’t hurt her.”

“Shouldn’t you stay out of grown folk’s business?” Kelex says as he glares at Tak. “To be perfectly honest, it’s none of anyone’s business either way. I’ll be in the car. Let’s not make this an all-day event,” he mutters.

“Like you have something more important to do,” I shoot at him.

He shrugs. “You’d be surprised what I’ve given up for this.”

I sit with my eyes narrowed on him. While one of my good friends, this is my wife’s best friend. Yet, she still doesn’t know who this guy truly is. Something I told him a long time ago; she better not find out.

However, as I watch him, I have to ask myself if I’m much different from him. I shake the thought off and look at my wife. I wonder what she has up her sleeve.

Ox isn’t going to be an easy nut to crack. He’s more stubborn than I am. He knows he needs to fix this, but he’s not going to do it without giving Lex and everyone else a headache.

“Let the games begin,” I mutter to myself.

* * *


I stand in the kitchen, staring off into space with a glass of juice in my hand. It’s been hours since Ant left. I can still see the smile on AJ’s face as he left with his daddy. I’m happy for him.

“Hey, I was hoping to talk to you. That was rough earlier. I’ve never seen Anthony so mean before,” Scarlett says. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I’ve seen Ant do some mean shit in the past. I know who he is.”

“It’s just weird to see,” Skittles says as she walks in.

“My husband has left dog shit on our neighbor’s doorstep for snarling at me. He waited until he had to check on his uncle’s dogs a week later.

“Then we happened to overhear the guy order a pizza and when he opened the door to get it, he stepped in the poop and threw up on the pizza and the pizza guy. Ant can be a fucking monster.”

“Oh my God, I would never think of him doing something like that.”

“I slept with one eye open last night.” I snicker. “I’ll give him time. I know I hurt him. If we can’t get through this, I’ll co-parent with him and start to move on with my life.”

“But that’s not what you want,” Scarlett says.

“No, it’s not, but I can’t live in the fantasies of my nineteen-year-old self. That time has passed. You guys know Ox, I know Ant and I don’t think the two are ready to be one and the same.”

“You sound so much better today,” Skittles says. “That’s good because I have a plan. I need you to go try on the things in those bags.”

“What? What bags?”

“Just trust me. Kelex took them upstairs for me. Tonight, we’re going to give your husband a little push.”

“Ven, the man isn’t ready.”

“Oh, he will be.”

“What are you planning?”

“You will see,” she sings.

I sigh. “Okay, fine. I almost forgot how persistent you could be.”

“You love me. You can thank me later.”

Chapter 33

One of Us


I frown as Kid walks away with AJ, his little hand in hers. Apparently, she’s going to babysit tonight while the rest of us party. I’m trying not to be a dick, so I allow her to take my son as I head up to shower and change.

With the full house, I’ll have to shower in the room I gave to Alexis. I jog up the stairs with my bags in my hands. When I step into the bedroom, I freeze.

Yeah, everyone is here for a party weekend, but I wasn’t expecting Alexis to join in or dress up. I clench my teeth as I look her over. The skintight outfit has my cock raising his head.

The black leather-looking pants flare at the bottom but hug her thick legs and hips. The front of the high-waisted pants dips low in a V, showing off her stomach and belly button. I note she’s not as tight in the tummy as she used to be.


