Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

There is a lot of built up anger, sadness, hurt and questions.

And the day it explodes, it’s going to be a big old mess.

But, I’m glad to hear that at least now, they’re all back together. From what Slater has told me, they’re close, and they’re all each other has.

That’s got to be worth something.

Now some of my questions have been answered, I feel a little more confident that I’m making the right choice letting Slater into my world, and trusting my gut. I’m not so afraid of my memories coming back, and flooding me with things I didn’t know, causing me to turn away from him. He was brutally honest with me, but that’s been a good thing, because I know that I’m doing the right thing now.

Slater and I, we have something.

Now he’s told me about us, I can see why.

I can feel it now, and I don’t even remember him.

I can only imagine how he made me feel back then.

My body knows him, my mind knows him, and if I’m being honest, my heart knows him.

So, I’m going to let whatever happens, happen.

I, too, desire happiness.

Especially after the storm I’ve endured.

“So, we’re clear on the plan,” Malakai says, coming into the room I’m sitting in, deep in my thoughts.

I look up, and see him appear with Maverick, Boston, Koda, Mason, Slater, Lincoln and Finn. I don’t know where Damon is, but I know he’ll be part of the plan, too.

“Ellie,” Maverick nods. “Glad you’re in here, we’re ready to go over everything.”

“Okay,” I say, meeting Slater’s eyes.

He doesn’t look happy about it, but he’s working with me, because he knows if he doesn’t, I’ll be out there doing it alone. He’s not okay with that idea. Not at all. So, he’s sucking it up and making sure he’s basically running the show, so he can ensure that I come home safely. I’m grateful he didn’t put up any more of a protest. Because I need him. I really really need him.

“We’ve gone over what’s going to look most real,” Malakai says, sitting beside me, his big body huge next to mine. But I don’t mind. I like Malakai. Probably the most out of all the club members.

He’s a good man.

I can see why Slater likes being part of this club, after everything he’s been through.

“I’m listening, hit me,” I say, crossing my legs.

“He didn’t hesitate to grab hold of you when you ran out of Slater’s place, which means he was watching. Chances are, he’s watching now. Possibly the club. We’re goin’ to take you back to Slater’s place, and leave it a few days, go on with life as normal as possible. Give it time for him to show up. Then, you’re goin’ to basically do the same thing, out on the front lawn this time. Have it out with Slater about a memory that comes back, or something along those lines. Then you’re going to take off. Only this time you’re going to go somewhere he can easily take you. We’re goin’ to put a tracking chip in your shoe, but we’re goin’ to have eyes on you one hundred percent of the time, that much I can promise you.”

I swallow, feeling my stomach coil with anxiety, but I nod. “What about once he has me?”

“Wherever he takes you, we’ll follow, but we won’t go in right away. If he thinks it’s a trap, he’s more likely to hurt you, and we won’t let that happen. That unfortunately means leaving you for one full night. Now, we won’t do this if you think he’ll hurt you in any way. Will he, Ellie?”

I think on it. It’s unlikely he’ll hurt me for no reason. Mostly, he only hurt me if I made him angry. He never abused me sexually. Which I’m thankful for. Though, I was abused when I first got taken, at least I think it was then, because it was before he had me. Those memories didn’t decide to disappear, and haunt me often. But with a lot of therapy, I’ve been able to stop them from becoming an issue, especially when I’m with Slater.

Though I must say, I never even had a doubt when Slater put his hands on me.

Once again, my body knew something my mind hadn’t quite caught up on.

“He never abused me sexually, that I can remember, anyway. So, we’re safe there. But, if I made him mad, he was more than happy to hurt me. But, it was only if I tried to escape, or fought him, things like that. I’m not afraid of one night, I spent ten years in his grasps. If it means he gets taken out forever, one night isn’t the end of the world.”

I’m saying that, but inside, I’m terrified.

“I don’t fuckin’ like her bein’ in his hands for a night,” Slater growls. “Fuck, can’t we just take the asshole out straight away?”


