Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“Shit,” Erin says. “Damn, Ellie. You shouldn’t have run off on your own. I’m coming. What’s the address?”

I give her the name of the café and then hang up, glancing at the girl. She smiles, and asks, “Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, please. Just water.”

“On the house, take a seat.”

I sit down and stare at my hands, trying to gather my thoughts. The chair across from me moves, and I look up expecting to see the waitress, but I see him.

Everything in my world comes to a screeching halt, and for a moment, all I can do is sway, unable to move, unable to do anything but stare. My blood is running on complete ice, and my body feels like it’s shutting down. Fear, unlike any I’ve ever felt, grips me and makes me want to vomit right here in the café.

“Hello, Raven.”

He looks exactly the same. The face of my nightmares. The lines around his cold, empty eyes have grown, making him look older. But he’s still big, and still powerful, and still in control, because my body won’t move, it won’t react, it won’t do anything but sit and stare, terrified into freezing completely.

“It was a mistake running from that house. You didn’t think I wouldn’t be watching, did you?”

“G-g-g-get away from me. I’ll scream.”

He smiles. But it’s cold. “If you so much as move, I’ll shoot every person in this café, and it’ll be on you. I have a gun in my jacket, and you know, oh Raven, you know I’ll use it.”

The waitress walks over, and places a glass of water on the table in front of me. My eyes are on his, and he’s daring me to scream, to make a scene, to do something. I know he would hurt someone to get to me, but I also know he’s not stupid. I’ve spent enough time with him, to know how far he’ll take a threat. In this case, I don’t believe he’ll shoot up an entire café. His face would be all over the news, and he’d never get his hands on me then.


He’s not stupid.

But he thinks I am.

I’m not, but what I am, is terrified.

I have one chance to get out of here. And one only.

I have to pray I’m right, and that he won’t do anything stupid.

I take the glass and look over to the waitress, forcing a smile. “Thank you.”

“Would your friend like a drink?”

She glances at him, and he studies her, seemingly the friendliest man on this planet. “No thank you, my dear.”

She nods, and disappears.

I want to scream after her, to tell her I’m not okay. Instead, I sit here, terrified, not knowing how the hell I’m going to get out of here.

“We’re going to stand and walk out of here, and you’re not going to say a word. Do you understand me?”

I want to vomit.

To scream.

To cry.

But I don’t, I simply nod.

I pick up the glass of water and take a sip just as he’s standing. I move quickly, splashing it in his face. He’s startled, enough that his hands automatically go up to his face and he’s disorientated for a split second. I use that second. I turn and run behind the counter. The girl who served me makes a startled sound, and tries to call out to me, but I don’t stop. I dart around the back and into the closest thing I can find, a small office that is unattended. I step in and lock the door, pressing my back against it.

Then I wait.

He’ll either come out here and get me.

Or he’ll hurt someone.

Worse, he’ll do what he threatened.

A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door, and the voice of the waitress can be heard through it. “I’m going to have to call the police if you don’t come out, I’m sorry...”

“That man,” I say through it, my voice trembling. “Is he gone?”

“The one at your table? Yes, he left straight away.”

Is she lying?

“Is he with you?” I croak. “Is he making you say that?”

“No, he isn’t. Should I call the police? Is he dangerous? I’m calling them.”

I stand and turn, opening the door. She’s alone, thank God. “Please don’t, I’ll go and see them myself. I’m sorry. That man...he’s...he scares me. He’s an ex. And he won’t leave me alone. I didn’t mean to disrupt your day.”

Her eyes scan me, and then the office, and I know she’s checking to see if I’ve stolen anything.

I don’t blame her.

I really don’t.

I’m acting crazy.

“Is he dangerous?” she asks.

“I don’t think so. But, he is obsessed with me and won’t leave me alone. I’m sorry. I didn’t...I didn’t expect him to follow me in here. I’ll leave.”

It’s not the entire truth, but if I tell her he’s dangerous, she’s going to have me out of here in a split second. I wouldn’t blame her. But, until Erin gets here, I’m not stepping out of this office.


