Myths and Shifts (Blue Ridge Magic #6) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76943 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

“I do, Daddy.” Pressing another kiss right between my nipples, he nuzzled against me and started his seduction. “I’ll show you and I’ll take care of you.”

Such a sexy little mage.

“I…I trust you.” And I was head over heels for him. “But you have to show me how sorry you are.”

Because if he wanted us to make love, we had to stop getting distracted by other fun ways to orgasm.

“Oh, I will.” He sounded relaxed and teasing, but I could hear the hum of his thoughts through the bond. “But to really show you how sorry I am, I need to get ready.”




“I can be patient.” There were just some things it wasn’t a good idea to rush through. “As long as I know you’re going to make it up to me. I’m injured. Hurt. Traumatized.”

And so dramatic I was fit to be a local.

Merritt shook with silent laughter, hiding his face against my chest. “Yes, Daddy.”

That was all he could get out for a long few moments, but eventually he nodded slowly and let out a breath. “I’ll make it up to you.”

When he lifted his head, he was smiling, but I could see desire in his eyes and feel it pulsing through the bond. “Thoroughly, Daddy.”

I approved…I definitely approved.

“I trust you, naughty goose.” Ha. He almost laughed. “Especially when you look so earnest and serious.”

“I am.” Nodding, he pinched his lips together and gave me a quick peck before he bounced off the bed and grabbed the toiletry bag he’d picked up at the trailer. “Very serious, Daddy.”

Seriously silly…but he was in the bathroom before I could tell him that.

He was in the bathroom.

Okay, I didn’t have long.


The room was not romantic at all, and if I was going to make love to my mate for the first time, he needed fucking romance.

“Wren?” Whispering softly, I stepped closer to our shared wall. “I need candles or something romantic.”

He’d packed like we’d been charging into the apocalypse and there wouldn’t be a mall for years to come, so I wasn’t surprised when his singsong voice came softly through the wall. “Wren to the rescue.”

He’d been watching too many old Rescue Rangers episodes lately.

I was going to appreciate it for the time being, though, because in under a minute he was softly knocking on my door. “I’m here. I’m saving the day.”

Since he was technically right, I opened the door with a smile, grateful I’d packed a robe. “You are. Thank you.”

Dragons above.

He was dressed head to toe as a fucking squirrel.

Big smile.

“Here you go.” Shoving a shopping bag full of goodies at me, he gave me a beaming smile in return. “It’s not whammied. I bought it at Walmart with…well…I got it at Walmart.”

“With your new friend?” His giggle said I was right but he nodded as well. “Did you have fun?”

“Yes.” Bouncing up and down, he wiggled the fluffy tail that was sticking out behind him. “Lots.”

“Is your new friend nice?” I was really grateful when he nodded earnestly because otherwise it would’ve caused a lot of problems. “Good. You need to remember that being safe is important. Okay?”

Reminding myself that he was technically an adult, I shook my head when I just got a giggle and another wag. “Fine. I’ll stop asking questions, but the first time your mother gives me a call you have to tell me what you’ve been up to.”

He lied terribly and had no ability to keep any kind of a secret.

“Yes. I’ll be good.” That wasn’t believable either. “I told her I met lots of new friends. She stopped asking questions when I told her about Lorne.”

For fuck’s sake.

“That’s cheating. Don’t shock your mother.” It wouldn’t help for very long. “You only have a day or two before she recovers.”

That helpful fact got another happy sound and a wave before he scurried back to his own room. “I’m back. I’m ready.”

Ignoring whatever he was ready for was easy because I’d gotten very good at tuning out anything my family was doing, but it also made it easier to hear Merritt humming to himself as he got ready. “Daddy has to hurry or the squirrel will start having fun before he does.”

Moving quietly over to the bed, I put my robe away and started sorting through Wren’s romantic treasures and was pleasantly surprised to see mostly reasonable options. Candles and chocolates were the best options, so the candy went by the bed and the little candles of varying sizes were sprinkled around the room.

He must have raided some kind of feminine self-care store because he had several trial size bottles of scented lotion and even a pair of fuzzy baby blue handcuffs. I tucked those back in the bag and almost laughed at the sight of the pink bathrobe he’d offered me, but I decided that would stay in there too.


