Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

I shift my gaze from her to Faith. She looks so peaceful with her hands tucked underneath her cheek. Her lips are slightly parted, little breaths puffing from between them. The desire to kiss her awake rises hot and fast. I take a step in her direction before I can stop myself.

Dr. Shapiro notices.

"She's a sweet girl," she murmurs, her sharp, hawkish expression cutting right through me.

"She is."

"She's been through quite a lot."

"I know." I grit my teeth, chafing at the simple chastisement. I imagine she'd have a hell of a lot to say if she knew the things I think about doing to Faith, and I doubt any of what she'd say would be good. I know the drill. Cop. Witness. Abuse of authority. I've been repeating the words like a mantra for weeks, but it hasn't done a damn bit of good.

"She likes you quite a lot. You've been good for her."

I blink, not sure I heard her correctly.

She smiles at me, her expression still sharp and searching, but not unkind. "Be patient with her, Octavio. She's never had a chance to find out who she is or what she wants in life. She's experiencing a lot of things for the very first time. It's overwhelming. For you too, I imagine."

I shrug, not entirely sure what she means by that…not entirely sure I want to know what she means by that. All I know is that I want to be in Faith's life while she figures it out. I want to be the one who gives her everything she needs.

Is that so wrong? The rules say yes…but my goddamn heart keeps screaming no.

"Dios." I stare in awe at the angel sprawled naked across my bed. Her black hair is in waves on the pillows, her honey eyes dazed with pleasure. Her tawny skin seems to glow like smoky quartz, almost as if that innate goodness of hers shines like a beacon from inside. Every inch of her perfect body is on display for my greedy gaze.

I devour it willingly, my cock in my hand and my heart in my throat.

She's perfection, more beautiful than I can say.

"I need you, Octavio," she whimpers, holding a hand out toward me. "Please."

My entire body shakes, desire quaking through me as I kneel on the bed and hitch one smooth leg around my hip. Her desire glistens on her lower lips, sending desire spiking higher. Her strawberries and cream scent surrounds me until I'm dizzy with the smell of her, with the feel of her beneath me, with the intense wave of need coursing through my veins.

"You have me, little bunny," I murmur, sliding the head of my cock through her folds. Dios. She's soaked and so hot. I don't know if I can last. "You belong with me."

"Yes." She reaches for me again, resting her palm over my racing heart. "Make love to me, Octavio. I need you so bad. It hurts."

"I've got you, little angel," I croon, the head of my cock bumping her clit. "I'll take care of you." I press my cock to her entrance, holding her gaze. "Are you ready, conejita?"

Her mouth opens but no sound comes out. For just a moment, her body blinks out of existence and then reappears beneath me. It happens so quickly that I think maybe I imagined it. But then her eyes widen, fear blotting out desire. She reaches for me, opening her mouth again.

A loud ringing sound comes from between her lips, and then she disappears entirely.

I jerk upright in my bed, my hand wrapped around my aching cock. Faith's name echoes around me in the darkness. I blink, trying to figure out what happened.

"Mierda," I curse under my breath. I was dreaming about her again. I've dreamed of nothing but her lately. Every time I close my eyes, I see her.

I wake with my cock in my hand every damn day, left unsatisfied by another dream. More often than not, she's naked and willing beneath me. But then she disappears, leaving me aching with need for her. It's as if not even my sleeping mind is able to settle for anything less than the real thing. The first time I sink into her, I want it to be her beneath me, not some image conjured by my subconscious.

Dios. Every time she casts those honey eyes in my direction, my resolve weakens. I can feel it happening. Every time she smiles at me, another ounce of willpower evaporates. I can't do anything to stop it. I tell myself over and over that she doesn't trust me, that she's a witness, that she deserves a chance at a normal life and freedom…nothing helps.

She's embedded so deeply in my skin nothing will ever get her out again now.

Dr. Shapiro's comments have played through my mind on an endless loop all evening, making me crazy with the desire to know what Faith said to her about me. Mikhail Marozava's play there too…just plain making me crazy.


