Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"I do." I lace my fingers together on his chest, propping my head up with them so I can look at him. "I mean, I am worried about leaving her with a stranger, but mostly I just don't want to leave her with anyone. I don't want to miss anything."

"Then stay home if it makes you happy, conejita." He smiles at me, running his finger down the side of my cheek. "Or talk to January and Kincaid about signing on to help their organization. I bet they could use someone with your experience."

I bite my lip, thinking over his suggestion. About six months ago, January and Michael started a nonprofit to help keep kids from turning to gangs. They pair kids up with cops who mentor them. They also offer after-school activities to keep kids busy, and even have a couple of therapists who volunteer their time to talk to kids. January takes her and Kincaid's son, TJ, to work with her most days.

Octavio volunteers as a mentor, and I've helped out before, talked to some of the kids about my experiences. January and Octavio think it's good for them to hear from someone who's been through what I went through. I don't know if what I said had any impact, but I hope so. If they learned nothing else from me, I hope they learned that they can survive anything. I did. Despite everything, Nikolai didn't break me and he didn't win.

He no longer rules my life. Thanks to the case Octavio helped Finn and Roman build against him, he's in prison. I kept my word and abided by the terms of our agreement, but I didn't have to testify to nail his coffin shut. There were plenty of others willing to testify on my behalf.

Uncle Jordan told the world about the little girl he never stopped looking for, despite his fears. Ilya took the stand to tell the world about the scared little slave Nikolai kept locked away for five years. So did others in the neighborhood. I'm still amazed at how many people were willing to speak up for me and the others like me.

But I think the final nail in his coffin was the testimony Nikolai's sister provided. They didn't kill Sienna as I feared. She escaped, thanks to Nazario Leyva. Kincaid and one of his friends from Seattle helped track her down, partially to ease my mind about her fate, I think. She testified against her brother, telling the world about the years she spent locked away just like I was.

He was convicted and sentenced to over fifty years in prison. His world is a cage now, and he'll die in it.

With him gone, the Bratva no longer have a foothold in Los Angeles, but the cartel problem still exists. They are everywhere. Sometimes I think the only thing holding them in check is fear of Kincaid and what he might do. He still tears through them like a missile when they mess up. But by the time they get to him, it's usually too late to save them.

Maybe I can help change that, remind them of the real human cost of the lifestyle before they're in too deep to easily leave. They need to see what men like Nikolai are capable of doing to people. My scars may never heal, but maybe that's how it should be. I think maybe it's time to let my scars and my story serve as a reminder to future generations that there is a different way…one that doesn't end with men like Nikolai winning.

They don’t deserve to win. They never have, and they never will.

"Maybe I will talk to them," I say, my mind made up. My pain and my past should mean something. If not hope for something better, then what's really left?

Octavio grins at me, pride in his eyes.

“That's my girl,” he whispers.

I smile, resting my head against him, at peace with my past and my decision.


