Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"No. If it's negative, we'll just have to keep practicing," I respond. "I'm ready to make you a mom. I want to see you round with my baby."

"I want that too," she whispers.


"Quiero tener un bebé contigo."

My dick turns to steel at her throaty whisper. I grasp her hips, growling when she nips my ear. She's so damn sexy. If she's not careful, the only place she'll be going today will be for a ride on my cock and then to sleep in my arms.

"It's time," she whispers a moment later.

I snatch the test up.

"Together, angel."

She nods, reaching for my free hand and squeezing it tightly.

I flip the test over.

Two pink lines.

She's pregnant.

"You're pregnant," I whisper, my voice shaking with emotion.

She bursts into tears, burying her face in my throat. But when she laughs through her tears, I know she's happy.

I hold her tightly, a welter of emotions coursing through me…awe, pride, and gratitude send a lump into my throat and fill my heart with warmth.

"Te amo, conejita. Te amo."

"I love you too," she sobs into my throat.

"Are you happy, Faith?"

She leans back to look at me, her wide honey eyes shining. Tears fall down her face. Her smile is so bright it takes my breath away. "I'm so happy." She flings herself against my chest again, kissing me all over my face and crying. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

I laugh quietly, tumbling her down to the bed beneath me. "Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you." I pull her shirt up, exposing her belly. My hands shake as I lay them flat against her skin. They cover her entire abdomen…but not for long. Dios, I can't wait to see her growing with our baby. "I can't believe you're really pregnant."

"Are you happy?" she whispers, reaching out to touch my face.

"Am I happy? Oh, angel." I shake my head, smiling at her.

This woman is the center of my world, the most incredible person I know. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her.

I lean down to press my lips to her skin. The old burn is rough against my lips, but it's part of her, part of her history and part of her perfection. The kind of perfection that makes me so goddamn glad she's mine and always will be.

"Happy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now," I whisper against her stomach. "You're everything to me, little bunny."

I still don't know if I believe in God…but I believe in angels.

How could I not when one let me steal her from heaven and claim her as my own?


One Year Later

"Hi, sweet baby," I whisper, smiling when I see Octavio asleep on the couch with our three month old daughter cuddled up against his bare chest. She's in a diaper, his big hand on her back to keep her steady. Even though he has to work today, he's been up with her for the last few hours so I could get some sleep. She has her days and nights all mixed up, and tends to keep us up until three or four in the morning.

She's too cute for us to be upset about it though. With her dark hair and big brown eyes, she looks just like her daddy, but she's so tiny. I never knew I could love one little baby as much as I love Thea. I was so afraid I would be a bad mom, but I love her so much. I can't imagine my life without her. If Octavio is my soul, she's my heart. Loving her is instinctive, natural. If any part of Carmen exists in me, it's no match for the love I have for my husband and our baby girl.

I would fight through hell to keep Thea safe, and I know Octavio would do the same. No one touches either of us without his permission. He's our protector, our greatest defender. He's still my home too. My life with him is so much better than I ever let myself dream it could be.

Sometimes, I still can't believe that this is my life. That this incredible man loves me the way he does. I spent so long unsure if I even deserved to be loved. I don't feel that way any longer. Sometimes, it's hard to remember ever feeling that way because he makes sure I know, every single day, how much I'm wanted, needed, and loved.

And I know if anything ever happened to me, he would spend the rest of his life making sure Thea's life is nothing like mine was. He would kill anyone who tried to harm a single hair on her head, just like he would do for me.

We are blessed and I have never been happier.

Thea blinks at me and then yawns.

I try to take her from Octavio so he can sleep a little while longer, but as soon as I go to shift her off his chest, his eyes pop open and his hand tightens on her like he's worried she's going to roll off of him.


