Football Royalty – Franklin U Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: College, M-M Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82543 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

Levi’s hand closes over mine. “It’s not you. At all. It’s …” He glances away and lowers his voice like he’s ashamed. “It’s everything else. I really don’t want to admit defeat, but it’s only been a week, and I have no idea how I’m going to pay my rent, let alone tuition next year or for food, textbooks … anything.”

“How long do you have left on your lease?”

“It’s technically one of those long-term vacation rentals, so I’m paid up to the end of December, but there’s no way I’m going to be able to make enough here to afford next semester. I’ve been looking at places online to see what there is in my price range for when the time comes.”

“Found anything?”

“Yeah, a 2004 Volvo. Can I park my next house in your driveway?”

I get the distinct impression he’s not joking. “Shit. That bad?”

“Yep. I asked about the share houses on campus, and of course, they’re all full. Dorms have a waitlist.”

“Stay with Brady and me,” I blurt.

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not asking. I’m offering. Brady won’t mind, and it at least buys you until the summer.”

Levi nods. “Which is the other thing. I’m not going to be able to afford tuition next year. So while it’s all good and well to stand on my morals and turn my back on my family, I didn’t really think it through.”

“Is there any chance of getting your trust fund early? Don’t those things have contingencies for situations like this?”

“Not the type I have. I already called.”

I try to think. “Loans?”

“I’m still looking into those.” His desperation hits me deep in my chest.

“You can’t go back to Chicago.”

“I don’t want to.” Levi glances out the window, and I don’t think he has once looked me in the eye since he sat down. “But I need to be realistic. I have no idea how people with no money do this.”

“Well, they usually get help from scholarships or financial aid, which you wouldn’t qualify for.”

Levi slumps. “I’m stuck.”

I squeeze his hand. “After this semester, move in with Brady and me. And then we can figure something out for next year. Dorms should open up then. Maybe there’s an art scholarship you can apply for. We’ll work it out.”

Stress still rolls off him even if he looks more relieved. “Yeah. We’ll work it out.” It sounds like he doesn’t believe it, though.

“So, you’ll move in? If it’s too soon, you can take the spare room. That’s if my dads aren’t still there. They’re hanging around waiting to find out if the team will be playing the championship. If we are, you’ll have to share my bedroom for the first few days. Aww, what a shame.”

Levi doesn’t smile like I want him to, damn it.

“Why don’t you talk to Brady about it first,” he says. “He probably doesn’t appreciate you making all these plans without his say.”

I point at him. “And that right there is how I know he’ll say yes. Because you asked for his opinion first. I’m going to go ask him right now so you can stress less.”

Levi huffs. “I don’t think that’s possible with everything going on, but thank you for giving me options. I should get back to work.”

I stand and lean over the table, kissing the top of his head. “Everything is going to work out, so whatever you do, don’t even think about going back to Chicago.”

He says, “Okay,” but I can tell he doesn’t have as much faith as I do. I’ll just have to change his mind by coming up with a solution that will work without flat out asking my dads to help him financially until his trust fund is released, which is what I really want to do.

And I don’t doubt that they’d help. They hate Levi’s father as much as we do, and if they knew he was forcing Levi to go back to Chicago to become a lawyer, they’d do anything to help.

I go home to ask them their advice, but I already know they’re not there when I see their rental car is missing. When a text comes through from Coach a few moments later, saying there’s a team meeting at five, I already know where my dads are.

“The decision’s been made,” I say to myself and change directions toward the stadium.

I’m still torn between wanting to play and not wanting to play, but all I can do is take it as it comes. If we’re in, training kicks up a notch. If we’re out, I can maybe enjoy the next month with Levi every chance we get.

When I get to the stadium, I head for the locker room and Coach’s office, knowing my dads will already be there.

Coach sees me and holds up his hand to stop me from talking before him. “Can none of you boys read? Five p.m.”


