Football Royalty – Franklin U Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: College, M-M Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82543 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“He knows I’m gay, dude.”

“Does he know you’re poly?”

“I’m not.” His tone is a little too defensive, and I’m guessing he’s not comfortable with that label. Which is fine. Maybe he’s not. Maybe the SEALs are college fun, and one day, he’ll settle down with a singular man.

“Well, whatever or however you identify, it’s not my place to say anything.” I take my hand back. “But can I ask something? Feel free not to share with me, though.”


“Why is it a big deal for your family to know? Your parents, I get, but Peyton? He loves you. I was there when you two grew up together, and while we might not have hung out, you two were thick as thieves. Always together.”

“I keep telling myself I want to keep it from Pey because he’ll tell our dads, but he won’t if I ask him not to.”

“I think you know why you won’t tell him. Deep down, you know.”

Brady blows out a quick breath. “I’m leaving.”

I hold up my hands. “Okay, okay, we won’t talk about it. You don’t need to go.”

He laughs. “I meant I’m leaving them. Kit and Prescott.”

“The SEALs?”

“Yeah. I met them a few months ago, and we all agreed it was just fun whenever they’re in town. But with graduation in May and them being redeployed sometime in the next couple of weeks, it’s going to be over. So there’s no point telling Peyton when it’s going to end soon anyway, and it’s something he’ll hold over my head as a joke.”

I’m getting a better understanding now. He wants more, but he knows it’s not an option, and can’t I fucking relate to that.

“I’m not in law school,” I blurt.

Brady’s brow scrunches. “What?”

“I’m in the art program. Not law. I don’t want to be a lawyer. I’m telling you this because if you’re worried about me telling Peyton your secret, you can go straight to my father and tell him I’m using his tuition money for a pointless degree and I will never become a lawyer like he wants.”

Brady pauses. “Damn. No one knows?”

“Your brother does, but I trust him.”

“So you trust him with your secrets but not with where he puts his dick when you’re not with him?”

“I didn’t say that. Besides, he’s allowed to stick his dick in whoever he wants. We’re not … together. He made that clear from the beginning, and he made it even clearer when he came over this afternoon, got off, and then left.” It’s impossible to hide the bitterness in my tone.

It’s easy for Brady to fill in the blanks: Peyton and I aren’t together, but I want us to be.

Brady’s back to being silent, but it’s a different kind this time. Almost like it’s in solidarity. “Fuck this. I’m buying us more drinks. We need them.”

Can’t say I disagree.



It’s late when Brady comes through the front door. I’m in front of the TV, rewatching the team’s last game and dissecting every flaw. It’s borderline unhealthy.

Brady thinks so too because as he walks by me, he picks up the remote, turns the TV off, and then slaps the back of my head.

I look up at him. “What was that for?”

“You’re an asshole.”

“What did I do now?”

“You know what you did.”

I stand to meet him, though he still towers over me. “I really, really don’t. So why don’t you fill me in?”

“I understand the type of pressure you’re under. You know I do. Hell, I went through it at the high school level and hated it. I also know I’m one of the ones putting pressure on you to do great. To be great. But that doesn’t mean you get to be an asshole to really sweet people.”

“Whoa, who was I an asshole to?” And how did he know? Please don’t say Levi. Please don’t say—



“Uh-huh. There it is.” Brady points to my face.

“There what is?”

“The Talon-Miller look of guilt. You look like our dads when you do that.”

“How do you know I did anything?”

“I ran into him, and we went out for drinks.”

“What? When? Why?”

Brady cocks his head. “You do remember I went to school with him back in Chicago too, don’t you? We’re friends now. We’ve bonded over how stupid Peyton Miller is.”

“Wow. Really? Taking his side without hearing mine? What happened to brothers forever and all that shit?”

“Hos before bros … brother.” Brady grins.

“You don’t even know what happened. I doubt Levi even knows. I … I freaked out.”

“Because Levi likes you, and you’re scared he’s going all jersey chaser on you? Yeah, you’re not as subtle as you think. He got all that.”

My heart sinks. “Is that what he thinks?”

“What do you expect? You went over there, got off, and then bailed. Poor form. He likes you, and you’re using him.”

“It’s not him liking me that’s the problem,” I mumble. “And I’m not using him.”


