Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” he asks.

For a white girl, he means. Other people have cars. Nobody dares walking in the street alone. The chances are too good of getting raped, tortured, and murdered. Life carries no value in this city, but in my world, if you don’t have a choice, you just have to take your chances.

“You’re worth a lot to me, Valentina. I own you, and I protect what’s mine.”

He returns to the chair and lifts his jacket off the back. Picking up his keys from the desk, he takes my hand and leads me to the garage.

I feel small next to him in the luxurious interior of his car. He says nothing as he steers the sleek Jaguar down the driveway and into the traffic. Instead of heading east, he goes north. He doesn’t ask where I’m going, so I keep my mouth shut until he pulls up in front of an exclusive store in Sandton. I get out when he comes around to open the door for me, clutching my bag to my chest as he guides me inside the luxurious shop. It’s not like any department store I know. There are no items on display. There’s only a leather sofa and a glass desk stacked with clothes, purses, and shoes. A pretty, young lady greets us by the door and waves an arm to the desk.

“Everything’s ready for you, Mr. Louw.”

He acknowledges her with a curt nod and ushers me forward. “Go ahead. Choose whatever you like.”

Dumbfounded, I gape at him.

“What’s your color, darling?” the woman asks. “Red will look good with your complexion. White, too. Silver for the evening.” She starts pulling dresses from the heap and drapes them over the sofa.

“Um, excuse me.” I clear my throat. “May I please have a moment with…” What do I call him in front of her? “…Mr. Louw.” “Gabriel,” he corrects.

The woman looks from me to Gabriel. There’s judgment in her eyes, even if she tries to hide it. “I’ll fetch refreshments. Take your time.”

When she disappears into a backroom, I turn to Gabriel. “What are you doing?” “I’m getting you clothes.”


“I threw your blue dress in the trash.” “I don’t expect you to replace it.”

“I told you I like to take care of you.”

Wringing my hands together, I close the distance between us. “I can’t take your money.”

His eyes darken, the chipped blue turning stormy. “It’s legal money.”

“It’s not that. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“Feels pretty damn good to me. Are you saying making me feel good isn’t right?”

“Don’t twist my words.”

He grabs me to him so suddenly my breath catches. Holding me around the waist with one arm, he cups my breast and gives my nipple a soft pinch. “Don’t test my patience.”

Immediately, heat floods my body. It bubbles in my veins and sends blood to my clit. My nipples are as hard as pebbles. I want to hate the feelings coursing through me, but I can’t. As my body puts my arousal on display, the same heat I feel reflects in his eyes.

The shopkeeper returns with a pitcher of ice tea and glasses, but Gabriel doesn’t let go of me.

She measures our stance. Depositing the tray on the table, she says in a professional tone,

“Have you chosen anything yet?”

An hour later, I walk out with a new dress, designer jeans, two T-shirts, a casual trench coat, a pair of ballerina flats, five sets of pretty underwear, and a cute off-shoulder sweater.

Gabriel pushed me to take more, but this is already more than I need.

He loads my parcels in the back of his car, and when we’re seated, he turns to me. “Where to, beautiful?”

I’m sure he already knows, but I give him Kris’ address. On the way there, I try to figure out what just happened. By the time we pull up in front of the practice, I’m still nowhere near understanding Gabriel.

He switches off the engine. “Your flat has been sold.”

“Wow, that quickly?”

“I arranged for the money to be paid into your bank account. I hope that’s in order.”

“Gabriel...” I’m at a loss for words. “Thank you.” The words don’t express my gratitude, but they’re all I can muster.

“No need to thank me. I said I’d handle it.”

He reaches over me and opens my door, his arm brushing against my breasts. Before I can object, he gets my parcels and carries them to Kris’ house. Charlie meets us by the door, taking me into a bear hug.


“Hey, big brother.”

Gabriel holds out his hand for Charlie to shake. “Hi, remember me?”

“You’re the ba–bad ma–man.”

Gabriel chuckles. “I guess you can say that, but I prefer Gabriel.” Charlie takes a step back and looks at me with big eyes.

“It’s okay, Charlie. Gabriel isn’t going to hurt us. I work for him, remember?”


