Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

Triumphantly, I turn my head to see who the lucky spectator is and freeze. Valentina stands in the doorframe, a stack of white envelopes in her hand and shock in her eyes.

Chapter Nine


“I’m sorry,” Valentina says. “I didn’t know you were busy.”

I free my tie from Helga’s grip and straighten, not missing Helga’s curious expression. I have to be careful. Helga is perceptive. Raising a brow at Valentina, I encourage her to continue.

She swallows and holds up the envelopes. “Your mother sent me to bring you these.”

“Leave it on my desk.”

She approaches with averted eyes and puts the stack on the corner. With a small nod, she hurries out of the room.

“New staff?” Helga asks. “You never told me you have a maid. I thought you used a cleaning service.”

I grip her arm and drag her to her feet.

“What are you doing?”

“Tell me why you’re really here.”

She licks her lips. The facade finally drops. “I need money.”

I always leave money after fucking Helga, and she’d feel two weeks without a bonus. Letting go of her arm, I take out my wallet and press a couple of thousand in her hand. She bats her eyelashes when I take her wrist and pull her around the desk.

“Does this mean we’re fucking?”

“It means I’m walking you out.” I all but drag her to the front door where Rhett stands guard. “See to it that she leaves the grounds.”


The last thing I see before shutting the door in her face is her disgruntled expression. It’s over. I never want to see her again.

* * *


Gabriel Louw has a reputation. He’s dangerous, and the women who have first-hand experience say he fucks like a horse. Why seeing it with my own eyes hurt so much I can’t fathom. It’s not like I found out today. What did I expect? Exclusivity? Last night was sweet. The dull ache between my legs reminds me of how Gabriel fucked me with his finger. It’s the kind of hurt that feels good, until a few moments ago, before I walked in on a pretty blonde with her naked parts splayed on his desk. It’s a game to him. I’m his toy. When he tires of me, he’ll cast me aside. The only thing he values is the debt I owe. When I walk free, I don’t want to leave a piece of my heart here. That will be too ironic. It’s a good thing I walked in on them. No, it’s a good thing he allowed me to walk in on them. I guess he wanted me to see that, to remind me I’m not special. I’m one of many, and for the moment, I’m convenient.

I get through the day by working myself to a standstill. Even my brain is too tired to think. That night, for the first time, he doesn’t come to me. I’m a heap of shivering and aching need when morning comes, cursing him and my body. Visions of him in the blonde woman’s bed drive me to maddened tears. He’s ruined me for other men. He’s ruined me for even myself.

I’m busy with the vacuuming the following morning when he stumbles through the door, Rhett and Quincy in tow. His hair is disheveled, and there’s blood on his shirt. His knuckles are bleeding. My heart squeezes, and my pulse quickens. He glances at me, but limps down the hallway without a greeting. I contemplate the reason for his state the whole day, refusing to acknowledge the worry that gnaws on my gut. Worrying means caring, and I don’t care.

At five, I have a shower and change into my shorts and T-shirt. I throw my tank top into my bag together with the food for the homeless dogs. I’m not in the mood to face Gabriel, but I’m not so stupid as to ignore his order to say goodbye before I leave.

Like yesterday, he calls me in when I knock on his study door. I don’t enter, but only pop my head around the frame.

“Have a good weekend. I’m off.” I retract my head, hoping to get away with a quick greeting, but I’m not that lucky.


I close my eyes and take a deep breath before facing him again.

He gets up from behind his desk. He’s wearing a blue shirt with navy pants and a striped tie, looking as hot as ever. “I’ll take you.”

All I can do is stare at him in confusion. “What?”

“I’ll drop you off.”

Gabriel is offering me a lift? I’m not sure how I feel about that. I don’t want him to be kind to me. “That’s not necessary. I can find my own way.”

“Like you did last week?”

“Um, yes.”

“In a minivan?”


He crosses the floor with menacing steps. “If you ever get into a minivan again, I’ll tan your ass so hard, you won’t sit for a week.” I blink up at him.


