Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“I have something else that tastes good… Please…”

“Rules, Misty.” I bite on her nipple. “Got to obey the rules.”

“But I’m so wet.”

“I know. I know.” I caress her tummy, her inner thighs, moving my finger upward, upward, upward… “You’ve got me so hot. I can’t believe someone as beautiful as you wants a cowpoke like me.”

“I’ve always wanted you, River. I’ve always… Please…” she gasps out.

“Please what?” I kiss her abdomen, the top of her shaved vulva. “Tell me why I turn you on.”

“Please. I need you, River. I want to come… I’m so close… So…”

I twist her nipples with both hands as I kiss down her abdomen to her pussy. I spread her legs, kiss her inner thighs that are wet with her tangy juices. “Not until you tell me, sweetheart. Tell me why I turn you on.”

“God,” she moans. “Please!”

“Just tell me, baby. It’ll make me hot. Tell me why you want me.”


“You can. Trust me. You can tell me anything.”

“I want to tell you everything. Everything, but first I need to come. Please.”

I’m tempted to hold off, but I don’t have a lot of time in this room. I continue nibbling on her inner thigh. “Imagine, Misty. Imagine my tongue on your clit, my fingers in your pussy.” I slide my arms upward once more, tugging on her hard nipples. “I’m licking your pussy, sweetheart. Sliding my tongue across those sweet folds, licking that hard clit, and you’re getting hotter, hotter, hotter…” I draw in a breath, my cock hard at my own words. “I’m eating you, Misty. Devouring you, and you want to come.”

“Yes.” She arches her back, her eyes closed. “Yes. I want to come.”

“Then do it,” I command. “Come for me.”

Misty trails her hand between her legs, touches her clit lightly, and then she shatters, grasping the bed linens. “Oh, River! My God!”

I smile, satisfied. “You’re lovely when you come, Misty. I can’t wait for our date tonight. I can’t wait to make you come again.”




I could have bowed out like Rachel and Ginger did.

Perhaps I should have.

But I didn’t, so here I am in a cramped bedroom in the catamaran with Brett Dawson—the richest of the bunch.

I’d thought Alex was the anti-Leroy, and he is, personality-wise.

But physically? Brett is the anti-Leroy, with milky tan skin opposed to Leroy’s strong coffee, blond hair opposed to Leroy’s jet black, bright-blue eyes opposed to Leroy’s deep brown, hairless chest as opposed to Leroy’s dark scattered curls. But Brett’s lips are just as firm and full and his build is remarkably similar to Leroy’s.

“Did you ever play football?” I ask him.

“No,” Brett replies. “Riv and Seb did, and the coach was always after me to come out for the team, but it wasn’t my thing. Why do you ask?”

“No reason.”

So Leroy was a football player. Doesn’t mean everyone with his strikingly awesome build was.

And why the hell am I thinking about Leroy anyway? I was his arm candy for four years, and he treated me like a queen. I truly thought he was the one…until that fateful day—the day he came home the morning after Greg Logan’s bachelor party.

Six months earlier

I open my eyes to the sun streaming in through our bedroom window, rolling over to reach for Leroy’s hard chest.

Then I jerk upward.

He’s not here.

But I don’t worry. Last night was Greg’s bachelor party and he probably crashed there. Leroy’s not a big drinker, so when he does tie one on, I want him safe.

I grab my cell phone off the night table. Nine o’clock on a Sunday morning. He’s probably up by now.

“Hello?” a feminine voice says.

Weird. I didn’t tap in the wrong number because Siri made the call. “Hey, I’m looking for Leroy.”

“He’s in the shower. Do you want me to get him for you?”

Chills hit the back of my neck. “Who are you?”

“Stephanie,” she giggles. “Who are you?”

“I’m Sienna Costello. Leroy’s fiancée.”

A gasp. “Leroy has a fiancée?”

“Yeah, he does.” I hold out my left hand and gaze at the four-carat sparkler I’ve worn for nearly two years.

“Oh my God. I’ll go get him.”

“No! Wait!”

But she doesn’t reply. And already I know the truth.

If she’s going to get him out of the shower, then she’s already seen him naked.

I end the call.

Then I sit on the bed, hugging my knees to my chest, my heart beating like a freaking bass drum. My nerves skitter under my skin.

The next hour passes in a blur.

Leroy arrives.

Didn’t mean for it to happen.

Undeniable chemistry.

Something I didn’t know existed until her.

I’m sorry, Sienna. I’m so sorry, but it’s over.

Oh…and by the way, she’s the stripper from the party.

What does she look like? I demand to know.

Does it matter?

It matters to me!

She’s blond with green eyes, but this isn’t about looks, Sienna. You’re beautiful. You’ve always been beautiful.

I pull the ring off my left hand, hand it to him.


