Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“What is it?” Sienna asks.

“What if we each choose one of you at random…”

“And…?” I eye him.

“We get you to come without actually touching you between your legs?”

My jaw drops.

Brett winks at me. “You don’t think I can do it, Emily?”

“No offense, but I don’t think any man can do that.”

Sienna blushes next to me. Interesting… Perhaps Leroy was something other than hot and rich. Perhaps he was highly skilled as well.

River chuckles. “You’re so fucked up, Brett.”

“I think I can do it, Riv. How about you?”

“Seriously? I know I can. But I won’t be doing it in front of you.”

Misty’s blue eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.

“You two are something else.” I grab whatever Sienna’s drinking and take a long sip. It’s sweet…and full of alcohol, but it does the trick. It cools me off. Because in truth I’m intrigued by this idea. Sebastian nearly had me erupting last night, and he hadn’t yet touched me down there.

And now I can’t get Alex out of my head—another reason to be envious of Ariel.

“Is that a challenge?” Brett waggles his eyebrows at me.

“Absolutely,” I say. “But I agree with River. Not here, and not in front of anyone.”

“We’ll draw names,” River says.

Misty tugs on his arm. “I hope you pick mine.”

“There are two bedrooms below deck,” River continues.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Sienna says. “What if the women aren’t into this?”

“Are you kidding?” I shake my head. “What woman wouldn’t be?”

“Someone who’s…” She draws in a breath. “Never mind. I’m in. I’m totally in. But what about the other two guys?”

“Seb’ll be all over this,” Brett says. “And Alex? If the rest of us are in, he’ll be in.”

“I agree with Sienna, though,” River says. “We shouldn’t force the women. Anyone who doesn’t want to doesn’t have to.”

“Of course. But this is a great way to get to know each other on a more intimate level without getting in anyone’s pants,” Brett says. “I think they’ll all be willing.”

“How will we know if you succeed?” I ask.

“You ladies will be on the honor system, of course.” Brett smiles. “We’re counting on you to tell the truth.”

I nod. “Good enough.”

Brett stands. “Perfect. I’ll get Evangeline.”

“What about snorkeling?” I ask.

“Now that’s your choice.” Brett leans down behind me, his hot breath caressing my neck. “If your name doesn’t get drawn, snorkel away. And if it does…I have something you can put in your mouth.”

Already I’m squirming.

I want my name to be drawn.

And the image inside my head of the man drawing my name surprises even me.




Leave it to Brett to come up with the idea of a challenge to make a lady come without touching her pussy. He always did think he was God’s gift to women. As close as we are, though, Brett doesn’t know about all my experience with the fairer sex. I don’t talk about it, not even to him.

Normally, I’d back away from a dumb-ass game like this. After all, we’re not in junior high anymore. As much as I’d ride a snarling bull for the chance to watch Rachel come, what I really need is a chance to get information out of Misty. This challenge may be the best way to find out.

Sure, we’ve got our date tonight—God, help me—but I’m not one who tries to get into a woman’s pants right away. That’s Brett and Seb’s style, not mine. Not Alex’s so much either, which is why his midnight beach interlude with Sienna surprised the hell out of me.

But this little game? When the object is making a woman orgasm? I’m going to make Misty so hot she’ll blurt out anything I want her to.

The only trick is, I need to get Evangeline to pair me with Misty again.

After Brett briefs her and she’s checked with the women about who wants to play, I pull Evangeline aside.

“I’m going to need another favor, Evangeline. I want to be paired with Misty.”

Evangeline raises her penciled eyebrows. Amazing that shit doesn’t sweat off in this heat.

“Oh?” She smiles. “Seems you’ve found your favorite in the bunch. I can’t say I blame you. Misty’s the first prize among all these beauties.”

“You think so?”

“I’d say you do. This is the second time you’ve specifically asked for her.”

“What can I say? She’s what I’m after.” The lie is bitter on my tongue, and Evangeline doesn’t know that Seb intercepted her email from Misty last night.

Evangeline squeezes my arm. “I think I can make that happen.” Then she clears her throat. “All right, ladies and gentlemen. I’m ready to make the pairings for our orgasm challenge! Again, I’ve used an app, and everything is completely random. Ginger and Rachel have opted out of this challenge and are snorkeling as we speak. Two of you won’t be chosen, so feel free to snorkel or take a dip in the pool if your name isn’t called. You’ll eventually get to spend time with each gentleman, so if your name isn’t drawn, don’t despair.” She looks down at her phone. “First up is Brett, since this was his idea. Brett, you are paired with…Sienna!”


