Daddy’s Soul – Crime Boss Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Crime, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 155903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

She gasped as she saw an actual princess castle at the back of the store.


“As this is your first time here, I’ll go through a few things with you. Littles are required to be with their Bigs at all times. We have carts that can easily accommodate a Little. If the Little Miss wants to sit in the cart, she will need to be strapped in for her own safety. We have baby and toddler carts.”


Edward led them over to several brightly-colored carts, similar to those you might find in a supermarket.

At the front of the cart, there were either capsule seats that reclined back for an adult-sized baby or upright seats like those for a toddler.

But she didn’t want to sit in either of them. She wanted to move around. To touch things.

And she really wanted to go look at their fairy castle at the back of the store.

“I don’t want to sit in a cart. Please, Daddy. I want to explore,” she whispered.

Edward seemed nice, but she was still a bit embarrassed to let her Little out in front of a stranger.

“Okay, baby. I’ll just push the cart, and if you get tired, you can get in.”

Ordinarily, she’d think that was crazy. But she was feeling tired.

“Very well,” Edward said. “We also have some restraints if you think that your Little is likely to wander off.”

Restraints? What kind of freaking restraints?

Edward pointed to some things hanging from the wall. There were pink and blue harnesses with a long lead attached.

Umm. She didn’t think so.

But then again . . .


“Hmm, now, these are interesting. Don’t you think, Little Blossom?” Reuben went over and pulled down a pink harness. She couldn’t tell if he was joking or serious.

She shook her head. “I don’t need that, Daddy.”

Don’t you?

“We also have these.” The oh-so-helpful Edward held up what looked to be another leash. It had a cuff at one end and a clip at the other.

Edward attached the clip to the cart with the baby capsule and then held up the cuff. “It goes around her wrist. She won’t be able to undo it without a code that I will give you.”

“That would be perfect,” Reuben said.

“Daddy, no!”

His face instantly grew stern. And she just realized what she said.

“S-sorry, Daddy!”

He cupped her chin gently, running his thumb over her lower lip. “Are you allowed to say that word?”

She shook her head.

“Do we need to visit the punishment room?”

Faith knew her face was bright red.

She shook her head again, putting her thumb in her mouth for comfort.

“I think the lead could be a good idea. It will keep you safe.”

“I won’t wander away, Daddy.”

“Hmm. I don’t know. You’ve proven to be a bit of a flight risk.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

So rude.

“I won’t run off, Daddy.”

Reuben turned to Edward. “I’ll take it with me just in case.”

Edward handed him a piece of paper with the code. “We have two punishment rooms. If there is a red light on above the door, it’s currently occupied. There are also family bathrooms with change stations in case of accidents. You can find spare diapers and pull-ups in there. Please take your time. There are buttons on the shelves you can press for help. At the back of the room, you’ll find a play area.

“You can leave the Little Miss there if you wish to do some shopping on your own. It’s gated so she can’t get out, and there is a monitor. They will give you a buzzer in case they need you to come back.”

Edward handed Reuben a scanner. “If you scan each item you want to purchase with this it will make check-out a faster process. Littles usually don’t like to wait around while their toys and other items are rung up.”

“Perfect. Thanks, Edward.”

“My pleasure.” He disappeared and she drew her thumb from her mouth.

“Daddy, I really don’t need that.” She pointed to the leash he held.

“It’s just in case, Little Blossom. And if you want it, you can always sit in the cart.”

“But that’s a baby seat. Can’t I have one of the other ones?”

“Hmm, no, I think we’ll stick with this one.”

She was grumbling to herself when her chin was cupped in his hand once again.

“Stop sulking, Little Blossom.”

“Sorry, Daddy.” Great. She was ruining what was supposed to be a fun trip. She was in a store for Littles!

How was that even possible?

They moved down the aisle and she glanced around. This aisle was filled with toy planes, trucks, and cars. As well as some superhero action figures. None of it was really anything she wanted, though.

“Not what you’re interested in, huh, Little Blossom?” Reuben asked.

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“Nothing to be sorry about.”

The next aisle had her perking up. It was filled with dolls and their accessories. There were so many different dolls. She gazed around in amazement. And there were clothes and strollers and beds and everything a Little could want.


