Before Us Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 106798 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 534(@200wpm)___ 427(@250wpm)___ 356(@300wpm)

“So at any moment, you could fall to the ground and start seizing?”

“I’m on medication. It shouldn’t happen.”

“But if it does … what am I supposed to do?”

“Stay calm. I’ll come out of it and be fine.” Unless I injure myself like falling into the racks of an open dishwasher.

“Just don’t. Please don’t do that,” she says.

“I won’t.” I laugh.

“And … Zach married you so you’d have insurance. That’s …”


She chuckles. “Well, yes, but I was going to say incredibly generous.”

“Agreed. He blew my mind when he suggested it. It took me a while to process it and agree to do it. After all, I was so close to Suzie, and he prefaced it with how it was basically a charity offer. A legal marriage but not a real marriage with emotions and …”


I grin. “Exactly. I mean, had he legit asked me to marry him like … for real … I would not have said yes. So I wasn’t disappointed that it wasn’t a real marriage proposal from him. I was disappointed that it was my first marriage proposal. I was disappointed that my first marriage involved a trip to the courthouse. I was disappointed that five minutes after I said I do, my husband headed to the dentist for a routine appointment.” I blow out a long breath. “It wasn’t until after the wedding, after we’d been living together as husband and wife—only not really—that I realized I was, in fact, in love with my husband.”

Leah points to the white two-story building to our right. “And … you’re allowed to hook up with whomever whenever?”

Following her to the main door of the hostel, I nod. “Yes. I’m in pursuit of a job with benefits or a husband with … well…” I laugh “…benefits.”

As soon as we step inside the hostel, she turns toward me, lowering her voice. “But you love Zach.”

My smile fades as I give her the bad news. “I love Zach.”

“Ouch.” Her nose wrinkles.

I nod slowly. “Yeah. Ouch.”

As she gets us checked in, my phone vibrates with a text.

Zach: Malaysia is stunning. I’m a little envious. I’ve only been there once.

Em: If you’re in Kuala Lumpur, just tell me now.

Zach: Lol Sorry. I’m in Detroit waiting for storms to pass. Looks like things might clear by noon.

Em: Have you visited our girl recently?

Zach: Of course.

Em: Fuchsia tulips?

Zach: Of course.

Em: It’s been almost a year since you hired me.

Zach: I know. Time flies.

Em: Unlike you today.

Zach: Touché

I stare at the screen. His quick responses make him feel so much closer than he is right now. Half a world away. And he could have liked my post or commented with something generic, but he texted me instead. Things feel a little more normal again.

Em: We just got checked in to the hostel. I have to go. Safe flight.

Zach: When do you plan to come home?

I grimace, wishing I could feel his words, the emotion, the context.

Em: Harry Pawter missing me? I miss him.

Zach: Yeah, him too. Lucky cat.

Him too. Does Zach miss me? Maybe the house needs cleaning. Maybe he misses my cooking. Maybe he misses watching me edit photos the way I miss listening to him play his guitar and sing the lyrics to songs while driving. Maybe it’s more. I tamp that thought down before it runs amuck.

Em: I don’t know when Leah plans to go home. She’s not much of a planner.

Zach: All is good at home. Take your time. Be safe.

I hit the kiss emoji. Then I delete it. I type XO. Delete that too. I have a million unspoken feelings for Zach that I can’t share—not even with an emoji. I feel like they would come across as more than a friendly sentiment. The kiss in the hotel room opened me up. I let him see something I wasn’t supposed to let him see. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I opt to give him the final word for now.


Life with Leah involves beach hopping and tours of breathtaking scenery, live videos on social media, editing photos, phenomenal food, and exquisite wine. Everything is great—mostly great.

“You okay?” Leah startles me as I comb my hair and contemplate asking her when she plans on making a return trip to the States. But we’re a week into our time here, and I’m not ready to spoil anything.

“Uh … yeah.” I smile and toss my brush into my bag.

“Ready for dinner?” She checks her hair in the gold framed mirror by the pedestal sink as I grab my purse.


“Leon and Andre are going to eat with us.”

“They are?” I wasn’t expecting this to be a night out with guys. I’m not sure I can be like Leah and have a Peter Martin in every destination.

“Yes.” She eyes me in the mirror and grins. “You don’t have to sleep with anyone. Now that I know you’re married, I feel a little less enthusiastic about being your pimp.”


