Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“They’re fine.” Cam took a bite, not tasting it, already forecasting when he could be inside her again. “What are your plans for the day?”

“Well, I still have my lady garden appointment at ten o’clock.” She took the coffee mug from his hands, sipping before giving it back to him.

“Your lady garden was fine to me.” He set the coffee on the table and pulled her back against his chest. He parted the robe, sending his hand up her bare leg.

“And…” She paused, pulling his hand away and giving him a pointed look. She knew him so well. “Mani-pedi and hair appointment.”

Cam frowned, reaching up to pull a clump of her wild hair into his fist.

“What are you doing to your hair?”

“I was going to get it treated to make it straight and easier to manage.”

“I like it this way. Kind of wild and untamed.”

Her eyes whispered their secret. The secret of just how wild and untamed she’d been last night. Cam had been afraid he’d be too rough for Jo, but he had a row of scratches down his back and a constellation of bite marks to prove she gave as good as she got.

“Consider it canceled, then, but the others I’m keeping.” She leaned in to kiss him lightly, pushing her fingers into his hair. “There’s a board meeting this afternoon, by the way, so Daddy will be home later. Peter and I have a presentation we need to get ready for.”

Cam fought the sudden urge to hurl his coffee against the wall.

“What?” Jo turned to the side, resting her forehead against his. “What just made you go all tense on me?”

He considered not telling her. Did he really want her to know what a jealous, insecure idiot he was when it came to that guy?

“Peter.” He dropped the name in the quiet of the kitchen and waited for her response.

“Baby.” She brushed her hand over his bed-rumpled hair. “We’ve been over this.”

Cam turned her until her legs slid out from beneath the silk robe, hanging on either side of his thighs. He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist. Did she know most women would give their left arm to have her dimensions?

“I don’t want him.” She nuzzled into his neck, drifting her fingers down to toy with his nipple. He was shirtless and wearing only boxers. His growing erection would be inescapable.


“But he does want you.” Cam pulled away from her curious hands, cupping her jaw and tilting her head to meet his eyes. “He’s in love with you, Jo.”

She dropped her eyes to the floor where her toes brushed the stone tile.

“He does have feelings for me, yes.”

“And you? What do you feel for him?” Cam’s spine went ramrod straight, braced for her answer no matter what it was.

“We’ve been through this.”

“Tell me again.” He kissed the spot behind her ear that smelled like her shampoo and body wash and hope. “I need it.”

She peered at him through the long, curly length of her lashes.

“I like him as a friend. I do find him attractive. That’s not a crime, is it? To recognize that someone is attractive?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t talk about crime and Peter in the same sentence because I want to strangle him every time I catch him looking at you.”

He closed the inches between their mouths, sucking her full lips between his. His hands glided over her slender back, across the slight flare of her hips, and down to cup the luscious curves of her ass. She started a subtle thrust against him, and before he knew it, he was thrusting back. He shoved an urgent hand into the silky hair falling around her face. He pushed the robe off her shoulders, letting the lapels fall open until their hearts beat against each other through their skin.

The kitchen door opened behind them, and Cam jerked the robe back up around her shoulders, clenching the lapels together. Walsh and Unc filled the entryway. Jo looked over her shoulder, clutching Cam’s naked arm for support.

“Shit.” Jo mixed the curse with a husky laugh, seemingly undisturbed to be caught half naked in the kitchen by her father and cousin. “Hey, Daddy. Walsh.”

Jo was the only one with any composure, flipping around on Cam’s knee before standing to face them. Walsh’s and Unc’s mouths both hung open before they recovered.

“Hey, baby girl.” Unc walked over to them, raising his eyebrows at Cam, clad in just boxers in his kitchen. He leaned down and kissed Jo’s hair. “You’ve been a good girl, I hope.”

Jo looked back at Cam and quirked her lips.

“I think I was very good, Daddy.”


“What the hell is going on?” Walsh demanded, anger snapping his brows together. “Am I in the freaking Twilight Zone? Unc, is it every day you come home to your daughter straddling Cam in the kitchen?”


