Archangel – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

I was bored outta my fucking mind!

“In, and hold… Let it out.” I felt like I was in a Richard Simmons video. Only without all the fun and laughs. And don’t judge me for knowing who Richard Simmons is or for watching his videos. If I’m exercising, Imm’a have fun doin’ it. “That’s it. Good job, Sonya. Now again. Close your eyes. Listen to the breeze through the trees, the rippling of the water.” His voice was oddly hypnotic, but all I heard was a sexy cadence telling me to do shit that was sexy.

“Now, take off your top and pull your tits out of your bra. That’s right. Show me those pretty nipples. How they harden when the breeze tickles them.”

“Oh yeah,” I whimpered.

“What?” The word was nothing short of a demand.

“Hmm?” My gaze snapped to him. I tried to look all innocent and shit when I’d gotten caught red-handed daydreaming about Archangel instructing me to strip. No doubt, if he’d left me alone, I’d have gotten to the part where he fucked me. “Did you say something?” Oops.

Archangel frowned down at me. Even with both of us sitting on the grass, he was still taller than me. Or maybe it was my imagination. He was so much larger than life! Not to mention my ultimate fantasy. Besides, like I said, I was bored. “Are you even listening to me? What were you thinking about just now?”

I leveled a look at him. “Do you really want me to answer that question, Archangel? Because I will. Then you’ll have to be the one to deal with the fallout.” I raised an eyebrow at him. I wasn’t bluffing either. What did I have to lose by telling him I was fantasizing about stripping for him? It wasn’t like anything was going to happen, and it might get him to call off this little charade and I could go back home. Worst case, he avoided me for the rest of my life. Sure, it would be embarrassing, but Archangel would never be cruel about letting me down. He’d reject me but do it gently. Or he’d fuck me and I’d get to live out several fantasies. Which… yeah.

If I dood it, I gets a whippin’…

“You’re a brat, girl. I have a feelin’ you ain’t gonna respond to anything short of force.”

I smirked. “Probably not. You got a plan for that?”

“You’re testing me.” He gave me a knowing smile. A soft and tranquil smile. Like I was falling right into his plan. “Good. You need to know I’m dedicated to helping you.”

“Bullshit,” I sang out, smiling. It really was funny. “You don’t even want to be here. You think I don’t know when someone doesn’t like my company?”

“Never said I didn’t like your company. You’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. You simply have a problem with authority. I’m here to help you realize you don’t always have to buck the system. Especially with those close to you.”

“Like my mom and dad?” I shook my head. “Dad is a bit of a control freak. I get it. Unfortunately, he has a daughter as stubborn as he is, so good luck with helping me be OK with him making all my decisions for me.”

“Sonya, Thorn doesn’t want to make all your decisions for you. He just wants you to make better ones so you don’t get into trouble.”

“OK, that’s a good one.” I actually laughed. “My father doesn’t want to make all my decisions for me? That’s the very definition of what he wants! He just wants me to think his ‘suggestions’ are all my idea so I don’t feel like he’s telling me what to do.”

He tilted his head. “Do you really think your father tries to manipulate you into doing what he wants?”

“Of course he does! Mom will even say I’m right. Did you even look into this whole situation before you agreed to brainwash me?” It was a barb. I couldn’t help it! His horrified expression told me I’d hit my mark. I didn’t really think he was brainwashing me, but the look on Archangel’s face was too funny not to continue.

“Sonya, I don’t want to brainwash you or convince you not to make your own decisions or anything like that. And I happen to know your father only has your best interest at heart. He loves you.”

“Oh, I know he does. I love him too. Doesn’t mean I’m going to change who I am to make him happy. Changing myself would make everyone miserable.” When he opened his mouth to respond I interrupted him. “Really fucking miserable.” I gave him a knowing look with raised eyebrows.

“You don’t have to change who you are, honey. Just… don’t put blow-up sex dolls in the middle of people’s Christmas decorations.”

“It’s almost fucking spring! Who leaves their Christmas decorations up this long? They were asking for something to happen. You’re trying to take away all my fun.” I tried to pout, but couldn’t hold it. A laugh bubbled up and had to escape. To my surprise, Archangel laughed with me, real mirth shining in his eyes. It was a stunning moment. Though I’d seen him smile and laugh occasionally, this was a real, honest-to-God laugh like he was enjoying himself to the fullest. I couldn’t help softening toward him. Just a little. “You should do that more often.” I reached out to touch his hand which was resting on his knee where we’d been meditating. Or, as I liked to call it, sitting cross-legged with our eyes closed, being bored out of our minds.


