Archangel – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

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For the second time today, I woke up unsure of where I was. Shit like this never happened to me. I was always aware of my surroundings. I groaned, reaching for… something. I opened my eyes and recognized the tiny cabin… and it all came back to me in a rush.

Sonya. The woman who’d haunted me. The soul-shattering sex. And she was not in my bed where she was supposed to be.

I sat up with a groan. “I’m definitely gettin’ too old for this shit.” I found my pants and slung them on. My shoes followed. I couldn’t find my shirt and said fuck it. Clothes weren’t important. Finding Sonya was.

She wasn’t in the other cabin, or out by the pond. Which was when I noticed the front gate wasn’t closed all the way. Immediately, I patted down my pockets for my keys. Not there. I hurried to the gate, knowing what I was going to find.

“That beautiful little bitch.” In the padlock on the gate, my keys were looped over the lock while the hook was open and hanging in the ring that would latch the gate. I had to chuckle. It wasn’t funny, either. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept so soundly I missed someone moving literally right under my nose. The woman had completely worn me out and I was not sorry. Not even a little bit. Thorn could try to kill me if that’s what he wanted to do, but I’d fucked Sonya and loved every blistering second of it.

I took in a deep breath, the morning air warm and fresh, puffing my chest out. Yeah. Sonya had screamed my name. Several times. I’d satisfied her too. She’d clung to me and begged for more until she’d finally gone limp in my arms. So yeah. I was damned proud of myself.

I hurried back to my cabin and found a clean shirt, then went in search of my wayward charge. She hadn’t taken the side by side, which surprised me. Likely she was hoping to slip by security and outside the compound without anyone knowing. She should have known better. Ripper didn’t miss anything. I took the vehicle she’d neglected and headed to the main part of the compound. Even if she didn’t head there straight away, she’d end up there before she could leave.

A few minutes later, I skidded to a stop in front of the main clubhouse. I hopped out and went inside, looking for Sonya. She wasn’t in the immediate area, but there were other places she could be.

“Ripper? You here?” Ripper’s office was just off the common room. If he was in the clubhouse, he’d be in his office.

“Yep. That you, Angel?” Ripper leaned back in his chair so he could look out the door. “Though you were with Sonya at the Oasis?”

“I was. She stole my keys and gave me the slip.”

Ripper, the bastard, thought that was the height of hilarity. “Fuck me,” he chuckled. “She’s her father’s daughter. Girl’s fuckin’ smart.”

“Yep. Can you see if she’s still on the property?”

“She’s on the property. I got an alarm from your privacy gate when she opened it. She’s finally realized she’s going to have to go to the main gate to get outta here. Either that or she knows you’ll be onto her soon and figured speed over stealth.” He nodded out the door. “If you head to the gate now, she’ll be about ten minutes behind you.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

“Nah. Just bring the hellion back and spank her ass.”

I nearly stumbled. I did choke, but didn’t stop to catch my breath. Instead, I ignored Ripper’s laughter and hurried to the main gate. Sure enough, ten minutes later, Sonya hurried in my direction.

Chapter Seven


Fuck. Yeah. I’d run straight to Archangel. To be fair, I hadn’t planned on bailing and hadn’t been able to get an idea of my surroundings or the layout of the whole compound. And Black Reign MC had a seriously large compound area.

He leaned against the gate, one foot hooked on the bottom rung and an elbow resting on the top. The smug bastard looked bored. Unconcerned, even. While me? Yeah. My stupid insides were fluttering like freaking fairies had taken up residence.

Three other men hung out at the gate, obviously on guard duty. Their vests labeled them as prospects, but I didn’t know them.

“Hey, Angel!” I waved and smiled brightly when I really wanted to punt him in the balls and dart out the gate before he could recover.

“Hey yourself, little runaway. Pretty sure this is not where I left you.” He raised an eyebrow, daring me to contradict him.

“Yeah? Where, exactly, did you leave me?” If he wanted to play hardball, we’d play hardball.

The bastard didn’t even flinch. “Beside me, in my bed.” His gaze didn’t waver from mine and he didn’t speak quietly, but I was too busy gaping like a fish to form any kind of witty reply. Also, it was hard not to notice how the prospects all perked up and crept closer, obviously listening intently to the conversation now. “Uh-huh.” He grinned when I said nothing. “That’s what I thought. Come on, Sonya. Back to bed with you.”


