Wrecked (The Ruined Trilogy #1) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Ruined Trilogy Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 54092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 270(@200wpm)___ 216(@250wpm)___ 180(@300wpm)

"Except you can't be her," he murmurs. "Her name was Serafina Cerrito."

My heart stops beating. The blood freezes in my veins. For a long moment, time stands still. How many years has it been since I've heard that name? Nine? Ten? We buried her deep, hiding her so no one would ever find her. Except Carmine remembers her. He knows.

Panic beats at me, firing through my veins like mortar from a cannon. My muscles tense with the urge to run. I fight it off, refusing to give in. He might suspect, but he doesn't know. He's guessing. If he knew, he would have gone straight to Rafe and spilled my secrets. He wouldn't be out here, trying to goad me into a reaction.

"I've never heard of her," I say, proud when my voice doesn't waver. "But you should probably let go of my hand before Rafe finds out you touched me. I'd hate to learn you disappeared when you were just trying to be helpful."

He squints at me, something dark flashing in his eyes. For a minute, I think he's going to hang onto me anyway, but voices carry around the side of the house and he quickly releases me and takes a step back.

"See you around, Amalia."

I duck my head and hurry toward the house, shivering.

"There you are, reginetta," Mattia says, shooting a withering glare at Coda and Domani.

They shift restlessly from foot to foot, wearing matching expressions of guilt. Like Rafe, the men all treat Mattia with a healthy dose of respect. He calls the shots around here, second only to Rafe. Everyone jumps to obey him just like they do Rafe. They're more casually familiar with him than with Rafe, but no less quick to respond to an order.

"I didn't run off," I mumble. "I was just soaking my foot in the jacuzzi."

"Did it help?" Mattia looks genuinely worried.

"It's fine."

"Maybe I should call someone to come look at it," he says.

"It's fine."

"It wouldn't hurt to have someone look at it."

"Ti corro in culo!" I growl in Italian, flinging my hands up.

All three of them stare at me with wide eyes as I stomp past, headed for the library. Mattia doesn't press me about having a doctor look at my ankle again though. They leave me alone, allowing me to escape in silence to the library.

Once inside, I close the door, leaning back against it. My entire body trembles with fear. How does Carmine remember me? Is that why he looks familiar? We went to school together at some point? I wrack my brain, trying to place him. I come up with nothing. I changed schools so many times they all bleed together.

We knew there was a risk sending me here, but we were so sure it was minimal. That I'd been off the radar for so long no one would ever think to link me to the long-lost daughter of Alessandro Cerrito and his beloved Latina wife. Rafe can't ever find out the truth. My father didn't just murder his mother. He tried to kill him too.

Even now, Rafe still suffers because of it. The memories of that day still torment him.

If he ever finds out the truth…even if he doesn't kill me, he'll never forgive me.

Oh, Amalia. You foolish, foolish girl. You're falling for him.

"You've been giving my men trouble, tesoro."

I look up from my book to see Rafe standing in the doorway of the library, his expression tense. My stomach clenches as soon as my gaze lands on him, heat unfurling inside me. He looks good. Better than that, actually. A five o'clock shadow darkens his jaw, giving the razor-sharp plane a wicked edge.

"Sucks for them," I say, holding his gaze. It's been three days since I last saw him. If they didn't like dealing with me in his absence, too bad. Maybe next time, he'll think twice before kidnapping me and then making me someone else's problem.

"Did you miss me, Amalia?"

"You were gone?" I smile sweetly.

He narrows his eyes, moving into the room. "Don't piss me off, tigrotta."

I ignore him, going back to my book.

Two seconds later, it disappears from my hands.

"I was reading that."

"Sucks for you." He tosses it over his shoulder, caging me in on the window seat with his arms on either side of my head. His leather and brandy scent hits me, wreaking havoc on my system. Why does he have to smell so damn good?

I've fallen asleep covered in his scent every night since he brought me here. My dreams are full of him. It's making me crazy.

"How many times did you try to run away while I was gone?"

"They didn't tell you?" I ask, surprised. I assumed they were giving him reports of my half-hearted escape attempts. We all know there's no way I'm getting off this property unless Rafe lets me go, but I figure I have to at least try. Both to make them believe I don't want to be here, and because a not so little part of me is…hurt that Rafe just disappeared for three days without explanation.


