Wrath – Heartlands Motorcycle Club Read online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30055 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 150(@200wpm)___ 120(@250wpm)___ 100(@300wpm)

“Like hell you will, Wrath. Arson’s just for starters. With Kristina being in there at the time, there might well be an attempted murder charge thrown in for good measure.” The sheriff meets my eyes. “Bit of Stockholm syndrome, was it?” He chuckles as he roughly yanks Wrath behind him, and I don’t try to correct him about what that means.

My mind is in a daze as I wander towards the open door and watch Wrath being put in the sheriff’s cruiser. He set the fire? I shake my head. It doesn’t make sense. It can’t be! But they wouldn’t be arresting him if they didn’t have evidence. Would they? There must be something solid linking him to the fire, or they would still be investigating.

And he was right there, on hand, ready to rescue me. My hero, running to the rescue.

Was it all just to get me to sleep with him? He’s been chasing me for a while, and I always said no. Did he do this just to get me to lower my guard? Be grateful for him saving my life?

What have I done?

As the cruiser spins and pulls out onto the road, it suddenly hits me that I have no transport of my own. The ride on Wrath’s motorcycle was fun, but there’s no way I can manage it on my own. I could call a cab, but I have no money with me and the thought of taking something else from Wrath...

I shiver at the idea. No.

There’s nothing else for it but to call Jillian. I don’t really want to have to explain what I’m doing here right now, but there’s no choice. I slam the door behind me as I head back through to the bedroom, and nearly throw up when I see my clothes still strewn over the floor, mixed together with his. What was I thinking, getting involved with a man like that? Did I really let him have his way with me because I was grateful he rescued me from a fire he started?

As I fish in my bag for my phone, I take some deep breaths. Whatever happened, it was my choice to come here and have sex with Wrath. He might have manipulated me, but I clearly wanted it. It just hurts that it meant less to him than it did to me.

I turned the phone off last night before I left home, not wanting to get any calls from William or my father. But after it starts up, before I can call Jillian, it starts buzzing and dinging with message after message from my father.

Where are you?

Kristina, this isn’t like you at all. Call me back.

Kristina! I’ve tried calling and it just goes to voicemail. We’re going to have words about this!

Call me back, Kristina!

Answer the damned phone!

I roll my eyes hard. When is he going to learn that I’m not at his every beck and call? I have a life of my own, and I’m going to live it my way. He doesn’t own me, and he doesn’t have any control over me. Not any more. I could get a place of my own if I wanted.

I’m about to dial Jillian’s number, when the phone starts ringing and my father’s annoying face fills the screen. And despite the fact that it’s probably not a good idea, I hit answer.

“What the fuck, dad?”

The silence on the other end is palpable. It might last only a split second, but it feels like forever, before— “Don’t you dare take that tone with me, Kristina. I’m your father, and I raised you better than that. Swearing? I won’t have your future husband doubting my ability to raise you right when he takes a belt to your—”

It’s a bad idea, but I’m raging. “Whatever. Just tell me what you want.”

“I want you home. Right now. Where did you even sleep last night? And don’t even think about lying to me.”

For a second, I do think about lying to him. I could tell him I slept at Jillian’s, and she’d back me up. But after everything that’s happened, with a fire that could have killed me and William acting like he owns me, and spending the night with Wrath, I just don’t have the energy for deception.

“Well? I’m waiting—”

“You want me home? I’m at Wrath’s place. We had sex last night.”

“You...you did what?”

“We had sex. It was pretty awesome, to tell you the truth. But now he’s been arrested for starting the fire. Before you say it, I know. I’m a disappointment. You wanted the truth, now you know. But you want me home, you’re going to have to come pick me up.”

AN HOUR LATER, WE’RE in my father’s car, and he’s about as stressed as I’ve ever seen him. Which is strange in a way, because I’d expected him to be furious. But this is definitely stress. It’s like he’s panicking about what I’ve done, rather than blaming me for doing it. And that just seems weird.


