Wrapped Up in You Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76364 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

She looks at me in confusion but takes my hand, letting me guide her through the house and to the garage. When I switch the light on, the area is illuminated, showing my truck and a brand-new sleek black Chevy Tahoe.

“Pierce…” Kelsie says slowly, connecting the dots since she’s seen and been in my truck dozens of times, but she’s never seen the other vehicle—that has a red bow across the top of it.

“I bought it for you,” I tell her, keeping her hand in mine but turning her around so she’s looking at me, not the vehicle. “It’s paid outright and is in your name. It’s my engagement present to you.”

Tears fill her eyes, and I have no clue if they’re good or bad tears, so I continue. “You said you want to make sure if something happens that you and Jordan will be okay. Those assholes took your car from you the first chance they got, and I wanted to make sure you understand that there are no strings to this gift. It’s yours.”

“You… you bought me an SUV as an engagement gift?” she asks, disbelief in her tone.

“Yeah, well, you needed one. It’s perfect for driving in the snow and—”

Before I can finish, Kelsie’s jumping into my arms and then her mouth is on mine, kissing me like she needs me to breathe. It takes me a second to catch up with what’s happening, but once I do, I hold on to her ass so she doesn’t fall and push her against the side of the SUV, kissing her back.

When she breaks the kiss, she pulls back slightly, and I notice her eyes shining with emotion. “Thank you, Pierce,” she chokes out. “For not only buying me a beautiful vehicle but for listening, and understanding, and being so amazing and patient with me.” She tightens her arms around my neck. “I love you so much.”

“I love you,” I tell her back. “Now, how about I show you all the bells and whistles this SUV has?”

“I just need to know one thing,” she says with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Is the back seat big enough for us to christen it?”

“Hell yes, it is.”

“I think Mommy would love this.” Jordan picks up a bright pink and black checkered scarf and grins up at me.

“You do, huh?” I smirk. “Or do you think that’s something you’d like?”

I raise a brow, and she shrugs. “We could share it.”

I chuckle, and we continue walking around the store.

When Kelsie called freaking out because they were still in the city shopping, and she was afraid she wouldn’t make it back in time to pick up Jordan from school, I told her I’d handle it. Since we live in a small town, all it took was her calling the office and letting them know, and I was able to pick Jordan up.

When she got in the truck with a frown on her face and confided to me that today was Christmas shopping day at school—everyone who brings in money can go to the makeshift school shop and buy presents for their family members—and that she couldn’t buy her mom a present, I asked if she’d like to go to the mall and she excitedly agreed.

“How about this?” Jordan asks, pointing at a pink bottle of perfume. I have a feeling that whatever she ends up buying her mom will be pink.

“Oh, this is a beautiful scent,” the woman at the counter says.

“Really?” Jordan asks. “Can I smell it? Please?”

“Only if it’s okay with your dad,” the woman replies.

Jordan blinks several times at the woman’s words, then glances up at me, her features displaying confusion and hope.

“Sure,” I tell her without correcting the woman.

The woman sprays the paper and hands it to Jordan, who presses it to her nose and inhales deeply. “That smells so good. Like a princess! Smell it!” She lifts the paper toward me, and I lean down and take a quick sniff. Thankfully—because I have no doubt if Jordan gets this for her mom, she’ll wear it every damn day regardless of the scent—it smells really good.

“It does,” I agree. “Is this what you want to get for your mom?”

“Yes, please!”

“All right, then that’s what we’ll get her. One bottle of pink princess perfume, please,” I tell the woman.

“Great! I’ll ring you up over here.” She leans down to Jordan’s level. “If you want to buy your dad a prince cologne, come back and see me,” she whispers, followed by a playful wink.

After we’re done checking out, I surprise Jordan by getting us a couple of pretzels with icing. We’re eating them at the table in the food court when she brings up what the woman said.

“Are you my dad now?”

I knew there was a chance she’d ask me this since I didn’t correct the saleswoman, but I was hoping she’d let it go. Maybe I should’ve corrected the woman, but I’ve never been in this situation, and the truth is, I’d like nothing more than to take on the role of being Jordan’s dad. Kelsie and I talked about it, and after we’re married, we’re going to look into me legally adopting Jordan.


