Wrapped in Love Read Online Lexi Ryan (Boys of Jackson Harbor #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boys of Jackson Harbor Series by Lexi Ryan

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83718 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)


“I’m already so tired,” Bella says, whimpering dramatically as she collapses onto a breakroom couch.

Today is our first Saturday, and we arrived at five a.m. to prepare for a breakfast for the local Kiwanis club. My staff and I ate an early lunch and are wrapping up our break before heading up to start on the second party of the day—an eighty-person luncheon for Jackson Harbor Hospital. We’ll finish cleanup from that just in time to go to tonight’s Jackson Brews employee Christmas party.

“You’ll be fine,” I tell Bella, but I smile, because she did bust her ass this morning. She’s earned a little whine. “Just a few more hours, and then we get the night off.”

“Par-tay!” Austin says, grinning at me.

“My dad won’t let me go to the Christmas party,” Bella says. “He said someone my age has no business spending a Saturday night in a bar.”

I frown. I’ll have to talk to Brayden about that. Every year, they shut down the Jackson Brews bar for the employee Christmas party, but this is the first year we’ve had underage employees. Maybe next year we should do the party in one of the banquet rooms instead.

“That blows,” Austin says from his spot at the table. He’s been playing on his phone but puts it down to look at Bella. “You should come anyway. You’re eighteen, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, but I still live at home.”

“So? What can your dad really do about it?”

I take a breath and move toward the locker room and away from the conversation. While I certainly want Bella to be able to come to the party, I’d rather not be part of a conversation that encourages her to go against her father’s wishes.

The locker room door swings shut behind me, drowning out the words of their argument. I can’t help but smile as I take in the space.

Knowing how long Saturdays can be in the catering and food service business, Brayden and I decided to dedicate some of our limited space to our employees’ comfort. We wanted there to be a place to relax during breaks, and even shower if they needed to. So in addition to the casual relaxation space on the other side of the door, we invested in this locker room.

I dig through my purse for my lipstick but hesitate when I see my reflection. I look as tired as Bella feels. There are dark bags under my eyes, and my cheeks lack their normal color. It’s been a long week, but I’m almost through it. Considering how well everything’s going with the first banquet center parties, it’s worth a little exhaustion.

I sweep pink over my lips, and the locker room door swings open.

Austin pushes in. “Everyone else went upstairs to clock in.”

I nod, happy to hear my staff didn’t have to be reminded what time their break was over. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

He clears his throat and holds my gaze a beat too long in the mirror.

Frowning, I turn to him. “Are you okay?”

He hesitates, then shakes his head. “I’m fine. I just . . .” He smiles. “You’re a good boss. I thought you should know you’re doing a great job.”

“Oh.” My shoulders sag. For a second there, I thought he’d come in here for something else. I was actually worried about this kid catching me alone when he just wanted to give me a compliment. Man, I’m screwed up. “Thank you, Austin.”

“You’re welcome.” His eyes sweep over me slowly, lingering a little too long at my breasts and hips. “See you upstairs.”

I stare at the door for a solid minute after he goes, trying to shake the slimy feeling that interaction left me with. He’s just a teenage kid trying to butter up his boss. Any awkwardness I felt comes from me and my own baggage.

I shake it off, but make a mental note not to schedule him to work alone with me. At least not until this uneasy feeling has passed.

I have a few minutes before I need to greet the next party, so I head to Brayden’s office. I don’t need to report to him, but since he’s here—cough, workaholic, cough—I might as well let him know how well breakfast went. I stop a few steps outside the door when I hear another voice.

“If Nic’s happy, I’m happy.”

I smile at the sound of Ethan Jackson’s voice. He must have come in to talk about wedding plans. I know I might never get a couple as easy to work with as him and Nic, so I’ve been making sure to enjoy how laidback and easygoing they are.

“Well, if you need anything else, just say the word, and Molly will make it happen.”

I take another step, prepared to reveal myself, when Ethan says, “Speaking of Molly, you feel good about that? I know you didn’t want to hire her, but it seems like she’s doing great.”


