Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

“To come spend time in a real one,” Javier quipped back.

“True that.” Hunter offered the brothers a hearty handshake.

Joaquin, a man of few words, followed suit.

Xander grinned. “London insisted we take a break. Our lovely wife is soft and sweet…until she puts her dainty foot down. And she wanted to visit her cousin Alyssa for spring break. So she and the kids are settling into the house for the duration.”

“Three kids under five.” Javier shook his head. “I never thought my brother and I would become so...domestic.”

“I didn’t, either,” Logan laughed. “But one look at her, and you were both screwed.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Xander scowled. “Like Cherry doesn’t have you wrapped around her little finger.”

Logan winced. “Do not let Tara hear you call her that. She’ll kill me.”

“Oh, I know.” Xander’s scowl turned into a smug grin that really seemed to piss Logan off. “Don’t think I won’t use it against you.”

Javier cleared his throat, directing his gaze across the table full of operatives. “Speaking of domestic, we’ve come to provide a little background for you all.”

The wives and girlfriends seemed to sense the shift in mood. Without a word, Madison, Laila, Kaylee, and Gracelyn rose and exited. Haisley squeezed Nash’s hand before following them out.

Once the door closed behind them, Ethan leaned an elbow on the table, brow raised. “Background for what?”

Xander leaned against the conference table. “I assume you’ve all heard about Gideon Sterling?”

Nods circled the room. The mysterious disappearance of the billionaire’s plane over the North Atlantic had dominated headlines for days.

“Tragic accident,” Matt said. “He was brilliant. Eccentric as hell, but brilliant.”

“And richer than hell,” Nash put in.

“Yeah. Born with a silver spoon, but never acted like it,” Kane added. “Actually gave a damn about making the world better.”

“How does a man who can buy all the best—even mechanics—mysteriously disappear over the ocean due to mechanical failure?” Trees asked. “Since they never found the wreckage, they can’t even investigate.”

Ethan nodded. “Valid question. When you put it like that, it seems awfully suspicious.”

“It should because there’s more to the story.” Javier’s voice was grim. “A lot more.”

Hunter cleared his throat. “What we’re about to tell you cannot leave this room.” His gaze swept the assembled operatives. “Before his death, Sterling approached Javier and Xander, looking for security operatives they trusted implicitly. They recommended us.”

“We’d been negotiating behind the scenes for weeks. Sterling wired payment for twenty-four seven protection for three months,” Logan added. “But now…”

“Now his sons want to know if we’ll honor the agreement,” Joaquin finished.

Ethan frowned. “Sons? Sterling didn’t have children. His wife was killed years ago when she was pregnant, and he never remarried. Hell, he was a notorious recluse.”

“That’s what we thought, too. Turns out, Sterling had five sons.” Xander’s voice was firm. “He adopted them twenty-five years ago from all over the world, then kept it quiet to protect them.”

“His eldest, Graven Caldwell, is based in DC,” Javier explained. “He’s asked us to send operatives to protect him and his brothers, and help gather intel while they investigate their father’s murder.”

“Murder?” Kane’s eyes narrowed. “They think he was offed?”

Javier shook his head. “They know it.”

“Jesus…” Nash whistled. “So all the speculation about what will happen to the Sterling fortune and holdings⁠—”

“Everything was spelled out in a will kept under lock and key. His sons have all been notified about the businesses, properties, and other holdings he bequeathed to them.”

Hunter nodded. “It’s explosive. They need our best. This is likely to be a long mission. And deadly. Volunteers?”

Ethan’s hand shot up. “Sounds up my alley. I’m in.”

No shock there. Ethan loved the danger. And Nash had a suspicion that he knew Kaylee needed time and space to grow up—space he didn’t seem inclined to give her lately.

“Me, too.” Kane didn’t hesitate.

Matt grimaced. “With Madison pregnant again, unless you really need me…”

“Same,” Nash put in. “Plus, with the wedding and all…”

He and Haisley were just settling into life again. She was finally not having nightmares all the time. Leaving her now was too risky.

Trees grimaced. “Laila is having some trouble with this pregnancy. I’d rather not leave her.”

One-Mile and Zy, both of whom had been silent until now, exchanged a glance. Between them, they had a passel of kids—and more on the way.

“We understand,” Hunter assured them.

Logan waved One-Mile and Zy away. “If we need a sniper or a demolitions expert, we’ll call on you for spot situations.”

“Ten-four.” One-Mile saluted.

“Thanks.” Zy nodded.

“You got it,” Hunter assured, then turned to Ethan and Kane. “Oracle is sending Trevor and Ghost to assist on this mission. But I want you two to understand the risks. Whoever killed Sterling wasn’t afraid to take out one of the world’s most high-profile men. They won’t think twice about eliminating a few ex-military operators based out of bum-fuck Louisiana.”

“Exactly,” Javier seconded. “Next week our jet will take you to DC.”


