Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

“Don’t even think that.” They couldn’t fail, not when they were so close.

“Just stay put until I can come back for you. No matter what happens.” His face was fierce. “I can’t lose you again. Either of you.”

His hand drifted to her still-flat belly. The gesture wrenched her heart.

They were so close to freedom. So close to a real future. But to ensure these depraved bastards could never hurt another woman or child again, they had to survive the night.


Night stretched over the Caribbean, the sky a star-filled midnight blue. Room service had come and gone, leaving behind the lingering scent of grilled seafood. Nash wheeled the cart into the hallway for one of the attendants to take away. One less reason for Haisley to open the door—and one less way danger could infiltrate—while he attended tonight’s auction. And took down the flesh-peddling scum on this island.

But he fucking didn’t want to leave her.

“I stocked the fridge with water and sodas, along with a few bites of cheese. Fruit and crackers are on the counter.” He kept his voice casual. “You shouldn’t need anything else while I’m gone tonight.”

She nodded from the bed where he’d just made love to her again, clearly understanding the subtext. Stay put. Stay safe.

“When will you be back?” Her voice shook.

Nash crossed the room to her. The apprehension on her face was unmistakable. She was scared, not for herself, but for him. He squeezed her hand and did his best to send her a reassuring glance.

Damn it, he hated that they couldn’t talk freely. But if all went well, he’d never have to obscure anything he said to Haisley again. They would have the rest of their lives to communicate openly and honestly.

As far as Nash was concerned, that couldn’t come soon enough.

“Probably close to dawn. I’ve already made arrangements with Gray’s people for us to be on the eight-a.m. ferry tomorrow. Be ready by the time I return.”

Haisley bit her lip and nodded bravely, clearly fighting tears.

Nash wrapped his arms around her and brought her against his chest, feeling her breathe, committing every detail about her to memory—her scent, her silken hair against his jaw, the warmth of her body against his.

Outside their window, palm trees swayed and waves broke in the dark. Inside, the clock on the nightstand ticked over to 8:35. Less than a half hour until the action began. He prayed like hell this would be their final few hours in this hellhole.

His sat phone vibrated in his pocket. Time to move.

He pressed a kiss to Haisley’s temple, his hand drifting to her still-flat belly. Their miracle. Their second chance. Another reason to end this nightmare once and for all.

“I have to go.” He kept his voice carefully neutral for the cameras, but his grip tightened imperceptibly.

She wrapped desperate fingers around his arms. “Be safe.”

Pulling from their embrace felt like tearing off a limb. He crossed to the closet and retrieved his tuxedo, delivered earlier by some nameless staff member. As he dressed, he caught Haisley watching him in the mirror, her eyes haunted.

“I left you something to wear in the bottom drawer,” he said, adjusting his bow tie. Their gazes locked. “In case anyone comes to the door while I’m gone. Though I’d prefer you didn’t need to open that drawer tonight.”

Understanding flickered in her eyes. She knew what he’d hidden beneath the silk negligees: a burner phone and the Glock 19, both of which Ethan had smuggled in. The clothes were merely camouflage for the cameras.

“I understand.” Her voice warbled. “Hopefully, I won’t need anything new to wear tonight.”

“That’s the plan.” He faced her, memorizing her features. If something went wrong, if this was the last time he saw her… No. He refused to let his thoughts go there. This wasn’t goodbye.

Naked, she rose and crossed to him, straightening his tie with trembling fingers. “Come back to us.”

Her words were a punch to the chest. He cupped her face and kissed her with all the love and determination filling his heart. When he finally pulled back, her eyes were wet.

“I will.” He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “By sunrise, we’ll be gone.”

After one last lingering look and one final brush of his lips across hers, Nash forced himself to leave the suite—and Haisley. Each step felt heavier than the last.

At the door, he paused. “You know what I’m thinking,” he said softly. I love you.

She gave him a tremulous smile. “I’m thinking the same thing.” I love you, too. “See you in a few hours.”

With a nod, he shut and locked the door behind him. He compartmentalized his worry into the far reaches of his brain and put it in a box marked later. Right now, he could best save her by focusing on the op and taking down anyone who sought to keep her caged.


