Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Why are you pretending?”

Her complexion deepened, and she reached for her glass of tea.

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“That you don’t like me, don’t find me attractive… that you’re not havin’ a good time. I’m not a damn child. I know when a woman is interested in me, and I’m not some incel who can’t get pussy. I just don’t want superficial hookups anymore. I want a relationship. Somethin’ serious.”

“I don’t know why you’re telling me this, but I’m glad you know what you want, Nikolai.” She rolled her eyes and looked away.

“You’re so full of shit, ya know that? You want me to open up like a fuckin’ book so you can help the police and make your little client happy. You’ll do and say anything to ensure that happens, even if it’s not trusting your own instincts. I’m not the man you’re looking for, but I am the man you’re looking for…” Her eyes grew big as she snatched her phone from the table and began to rudely play with it. “Oh, you need to send a text? Well text this: Under any other circumstances, I’d probably be face-planted between your legs right now. Hit Send.”

The woman lunged forward, anger in her eyes. “You listen here,” she stated between gritted teeth. “I don’t know what you think is going on here, or what you thought you were trying to pull on that trolley ride, but this isn’t a real date, Mr. Raven. The feeling is not mutual.”

“Oh, now I’m Mr. Raven again?” He rolled his eyes dramatically, mockingly, then let out a sharp laugh.

“I’m only after evidence, and you speaking to me candidly will help me eliminate you as a suspect. I have no desire to railroad you or help convict an innocent man. Notwithstanding, the truth doesn’t mind being suspected. Only a lie runs for the hills.”

“I’m not running from you… I’ve been running towards you.”

Her cheeks deepened in hue. Again.

“I’ll admit, you know all the right things to say. You’re very smooth, Nikolai, but of course, you already know that.”

“It was me who got out of my car first when I noticed you following me. I could have kept driving, or left when you told me who you were. I don’t legally have to say a word to you. I told you we could both have our cake and eat it too, so I took the first step asking you to go out with me. I saw it like this: I get to spend time with you, and you get to interrogate me, so you talkin’ to me about lies and truth is really kinda silly when you think about it.”

She sat back in her chair and shook her head, but remained silent. “Now, as far as me and what you think of me based on rumors and lies, let’s start with my history. I have no record. Just as you saw. Just a few parkin’ tickets.”

“You have a propensity toward violence. I saw it with my own eyes yesterday.”

“Then if you witnessed it, you know I didn’t start that situation, and he had it comin’.”

Their appetizers arrived then. She picked up one of the fried oysters and ate it. “I also found some witness reports that stated you are quick to beat someone down if you feel disrespected.”

“Not me. I don’t care what anyone says about me personally. I’m not that fragile where someone else’s opinion of who I am and how I live my life makes me wanna hurt ’em. Now, if someone I’m with who I believe can’t defend themselves is disrespected, then it’s game on.” He shrugged. “Not one person can say I kicked their ass because of some ego shit. Yesterday, that shithead at the gas station was being disrespectful. I let it go, but then he started sayin’ shit about my family. I can’t have that. My mother is dead!” His temper started to rear its head.

“That woman was one of my best friends, Porsche Lee. My father ain’t doin’ too well right now health-wise, either, but he’s hanging in there. Besides, he’s still dealing with the death of his wife. Grief is a horrible thing. I’ve got a brother who is shiftless and at times unable to be reasoned with, and another who’s got a great career and doing the best he can, but his marriage is fallin’ the hell apart as we speak. No matter what we’ve got going on, that’s family, and family is everything to me. No one, and I mean no one, has the right to say shit about my family. That’s where I draw the line.” He pounded the table with his finger.

“We all have our principles, Mr. Raven, I mean, Nikolai, but all in all, you understand how strong you are. Physically, that is. How intimidating you may appear to the average person, and the fact that people say you keep to yourself, don’t have many friends, is not working in your favor, either. Loners are alone because they distrust everyone. Not because they hate people. You’ve been described as antisocial because you come across as unfeeling and lacking empathy at times. What do you say to that?”


