Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

My heart suddenly ached for Jude. I didn’t know what he’d been through in his life, but I knew he was struggling now. “We should go out for coffee sometime,” I told him. “You do go out for frou-frou coffee drinks, right? I know you’re all masc and shit,” I teased.

“Even if I didn’t, I’d make an exception for you.” He winked.

“Are you hitting on my boyfriend?” Rush’s playful voice came from behind us.

“Yes,” Jude replied just as I said, “No. I was hiring him as a hitman to hunt you down and kill you. I can’t believe you’re late!”

Jude’s arm fell away, and Rush pulled me to him. He nuzzled my throat. Okay…this was better. A lot better. I already forgave him.

“I’m sorry, Red. My trainer held me late, but I wouldn’t have missed it. I knew how much time we had.”

“You’re not forgiven,” I lied.

“Yes, I am.” He nibbled on the spot where my neck and shoulder met, before lowering his voice. “My pretty, pretty boy. Do you know what I’m going to do to you the next time we’re in bed together?”

Yep, I was easy. My knees went weak in no time flat. “Ugh, fine, you’re forgiven. Now come on, we have shit to do, and someone was late!”

I stood behind the podium onstage. Holy shit. There were a lot of people there. I didn’t know why, but I hadn’t expected that many to show up. “Oh, wow, I like this,” I said into the mic as hundreds of eyes landed on me. “I might need a traveling stage and a mic so it’s a whole lot easier to be the center of attention everywhere I go,” I teased.

Laughter rumbled up from the crowd.

“On a more serious note, though, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being here. I met Trey months ago, and we immediately became friends. He’s unlike any kid I’ve ever known. The first word that comes to mind when I think of him is brave, followed closely by kind. He is unapologetically who he is. He’s not afraid to take chances and ask questions. The kid is sixteen and already writing a memoir. I don’t know about you guys, but I sure wasn’t thinking about writing my life story at sixteen.

“The thing about Trey is, he’s all these things, despite life not always dealing him the best hand—the biggest setback on that list, having cancer. He’s sixteen and has cancer. I just… I feel very fortunate, and I think the rest of us should too. Trey and his father have the kind of relationship a father and son should have. I wish I’d had a father like Tyson, and I want the best for them. They deserve it, more than anyone I know, so again, thank you for being here.”

The crowd cheered and clapped so hard, I felt the vibration of it in my chest.

I looked to the side of the stage toward Rush. “Rush…when I took you to meet Trey, I never expected us to come home with a plan like this. It’s because of you we’re all here today, and because of you, Trey and his dad might have a new home, their very own home. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

Rush walked onto the stage, and everyone began to cheer again. My eyes stung, which definitely wouldn’t do. I didn’t want to cry up there, so I leaned toward the microphone and said, “Right? My boyfriend is so hot. He rides dirt bikes too!”

Rush snickered and pulled me into a hug. “The truth is, we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Linc, not me. The thanks goes to him. I hope everyone has a good time, and please remember this goes to a fantastic cause. Linc was right about Trey and his father. Let’s show them a little more kindness than the world has shown them. I’m not sure there’s anyone more deserving.”

We made our way off the stage and into the ballroom that had been donated for the event. Music played. People laughed and ate and drank. Silent auctions were going on, as well as donations.

We found our group of friends, who all congratulated us.

“I like Trey’s dad,” Cam told us. “He came by to see me. I think he’ll work out. He starts next week. Feels good to have a solid, trustworthy guy coming in. Good workers are hard to find.”

“Thank you!” I told him. “I’m so glad it worked out.”

“Nothing to thank me for. I hired a skilled, competent person, who I think will do well. I didn’t do it as a favor to you or him. He earned it.” Which was exactly what Rush and I had known. The job wasn’t charity. Camden would make him earn it.

“Oh, hey, beautiful.” Cam looked over my shoulder and winked as Jude approached.


