Walking Red Flag (Semyonov Bratva #3) Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Semyonov Bratva Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 69352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 347(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Are we sure this is the last one?”

“There’s no more money to pay the people, so yeah, I’m sure,” Shasha said. “I had Lev clean him out. Donated to a battered women’s shelter anonymously.”

“Good,” I said. “And since I know that Milena is going to ask when she gets down here, what’s the status of the two women?”

“Stable,” Shasha said dispassionately. “Screaming nonsense about being pushed into the line of fire.”

I shrugged. “It was pretty chaotic.”

“Uh-huh,” Shasha muttered. “Sent Artur to check out the hitman’s place. Found Milena’s dossier. Prepaid, too. Lev’s gonna work on gettin’ him cleaned out next.”

“Good,” I said.

My phone rang before I could ask my next question, and I pulled it out and immediately answered it in the next breath.

“Call from…” the robotic voice of the prison that Copper was located filled my ear.

I waited until Copper was on the line and said, “Hey, man. What’s up?”

“I need a ride.”

I froze. “What?”

“A ride,” he said. “I’ve been fuckin’ pardoned.”

My mouth dropped open. “What?”

“The governor of fuckin’ Texas issued a pardon,” he exclaimed. “Come get me.”

Dima: I’m by your house.

Me: Get away from it.

—Text from Milena to Dima


I smiled at the man walking through the front door of my coffee shop.

The coffee shop that I changed the hours to shortly after getting home from Montana.

I was no longer opening at the ass crack of dawn like every other coffee shop in the area.

Instead, I opened at ten and stayed open until eight.

I had four very consistent employees, one of which was Simeon.

His brother came in to work when his schedule allowed, and I’d hired two girls that were more than willing to work next to two very hot guys.

I also had six part-time employees that, though not perfect, allowed me to work as little or as much as I wanted.

And I’d finally realized that there was more to life than my coffee shop being open.

If no one showed up, I didn’t open, because there was no way that I was living like that anymore.

Was it the best business practice? No.

But was it working out for me? Yes.

I’d seen my life flash before my eyes in those moments when that hitman’s gun had been pointed at me, and what I saw, I hadn’t liked.

I didn’t want to live my life buried in work anymore.

I wanted to live it, and to do that, it required me giving up a little of the control that I’d always held onto so tight.

“Simeon.” I smiled at him. “Thanks for coming in.”

He rolled his eyes. “They tell me to jump, and I ask how high.”

I patted his shoulder as we passed in the middle of the store. “True. But you’re almost there, right?”

“Hopefully,” he muttered. “Conway’s at least not getting to go, either. So there’s that.”

I chuckled as I readjusted the leather material on my shoulders.

Today was the first day that I was going riding on the back of Cutter’s bike with the vest declaring me as ‘Property of Coastguard’ on my back.

It should’ve been sexist.

It should have irritated me that such a blatant claim was on my back.

But what it did was make me feel wanted.

It made me feel special.

It made me feel like I belonged.

Plus, I liked the way it made my husband hard when he saw me wearing it.

Something primal in him really got off on seeing me so publicly claimed.

Speaking of my primal husband, as I pushed out of the door of the shop, it was to see three smiling Claybornes on the backs of their bikes waiting for me.

Only one caught my eye and held it, though.

Walking right up to Cutter, I leaned into him and kissed him like I hadn’t just seen him a couple of hours ago as I’d left our bed.

“Hey, baby,” I said as I pulled away.

“Hey, Go.” He gripped my hip, his fingers coming around to the inside of my thigh, right in the crease of my ass.

“Could you spare about five minutes?” I asked sheepishly. “I broke something in my office and I want you to take a look at it.”

He and I both knew there wasn’t anything in my office for him to fix.

I just wanted him to give me a quickie before we got onto the back of his bike together.

The two brothers groaned and got off their bikes as well.

“Don’t take too long.” They followed us inside. “We have to be at the meetup spot for the poker run in twenty-five minutes.”

I ignored them and walked into the back while Simeon made them a coffee for the wait.

The moment I was in my office, my back was to the door and Cutter’s mouth was on mine.

His hands made quick work of my jeans, and soon I was bent over my desk.

His cock filled me in one go—god, I’d needed him so bad all day—and he fucked the holy hell out of me.


