Walking Red Flag (Semyonov Bratva #3) Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Semyonov Bratva Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 69352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 347(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

Oh, and he was considerate, kind, and everything that I could’ve dreamed up in the perfect man.

“Montana, eh?” Cutter asked. “What if I don’t wanna go to Montana?”

I grinned. “I mean, I never really invited you.”

His eyes twinkled as he said, “Do you want to go alone?”

I thought about it for a long second before saying, “This was something that Hazel and I were going to do together. As much as I’d like you to be there, I think that would be unfair to her.”

Hazel and I were…okay.

In the last few weeks that I’d been married, Hazel had made every single run with me, even the short ones.

She’d shown up, which had put me at ease for how this weekend would go.

However, she still didn’t know about Cutter.

I’d been keeping Cutter to myself when she was around.

Not that I was ashamed of him, but I just knew that she would lecture me on how I’d moved on too fast, and how I’d never really given Asher a chance.

She didn’t know about Asher, either.

All she knew was that Asher and I had permanently broken up.

She’d never know about Asher, because that would be something that we would never agree on, and I didn’t want to be disappointed in my friend if she chose to side with him after he’d almost killed me.

“It’s only for four days,” I pointed out. “And to be quite honest, you’re so freakin’ busy right now that you shouldn’t leave.”

He knew I was right, too.

His Cowboys locker room remodel was now in full swing. He had two more full days of work before he would be finished, and when he finished, he had to immediately go straight into another project.

If he left now, he’d be behind, and you shouldn’t be behind when you were trying to make a name for yourself among the elite.

Which was exactly what he was doing.

“What about a bodyguard?” he asked. “You won’t fight me on that, right?”

“I won’t,” I said. “Though, he’s gonna have to get a flight and figure out a way to run a marathon while still protecting me.”

Cutter’s eyes gleamed as he replied, “I’ll let your brother pick which one is the fittest to do that.”

My phone buzzed before he could say anything more, and I pulled it out to check it.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Cutter pulled out his phone and did the same, likely talking with Shasha.

That was another thing that’d come as a surprise.

His utter agreement with my brother, his business, and the bodyguards that were always around if Cutter wasn’t.

My phone buzzed again, reminding me that I’d gotten a message.

I’d been expecting Hazel’s reply, so I wasn’t surprised to see her name on the screen when I glanced at it before unlocking it.

I was surprised, however, by what she texted me.


Hey, so…change of plans. I’m going to drive up there. I was going to rent a car once I was there, like we’d planned, but it’s like hella expensive. Plus, the airlines bumped me from my flight because they overbooked. That okay?

I immediately texted back.


Of course. Do you want me to drive with you?

I hoped she didn’t. I loved traveling, but I hated traveling there by car.


No, no. I’m good. I have my road trip playlist already loaded. I’ll meet you at the rental!

Shoving my phone back into my pocket I relayed the change of plans.

He frowned when I was finished. “I would’ve fought the canceled flight. It might be expensive to rent a car, but it’s just as expensive to pay for the gas to get all the way up there. Plus, now she has to leave a day early.”

Agreed but…

“Hazel is a bit on the odd side,” I admitted. “If you ever stopped hating her, you might actually like her. She has a brain that’s fascinating.”

He shrugged. “Maybe. She’ll have to prove herself first.”

I patted his chest and then said, “We have to meet your club in thirty minutes, and we’re twenty minutes away. Are you changing, or are you wearing that?”

He winked before saying, “I guess I’ll change so you’re not getting sawdust flying into your eyes the entire ride over.”

We were heading to the Truth Tellers MC clubhouse this afternoon for a barbeque.

According to him, everyone would be there.

I watched him walk away, and my phone rang seconds after he disappeared into the bedroom.

I pulled it out without checking the caller ID and placed it to my ear.


There was this weird clicking sound and I frowned as I walked toward the bedroom, obviously not going to miss my husband undressing for a phone call.

I could hear the shower already running, but by the sounds of it, Cutter hadn’t made it inside yet.

My eyes spied his now bare ass reaching in and testing the water when the robotic voice filled my ear.


