Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

“Foxes are very competitive,” Valentina commented. “They can also be sly and vengeful.”

“It would explain why she’s being a pain in our asses,” said Dominic. “But hurt pride isn’t motivation enough to want Mila dead.”

“People have killed for less,” Alex pointed out. “But I’m leaning toward Pierson or his daughter being responsible for the bounty.”

Valentina nodded, twirling the ring on her finger. “The daughter has not been thinking clearly for some time.”

Dominic rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure Rosemary would even know how to go about something like putting out a hit, though. Plus, I think if she’d seen me flirting with Mila, she’d have been more likely to lash out immediately rather than come up with a calculating plot.”

Alex pursed his lips. “Then her father is our most likely suspect.”

Yeah, Dominic was thinking the same thing. And that meant that the reason his mate had been almost killed three times could very simply be that Dominic was in her life. Fuck if that didn’t twist his stomach.

As they crossed the street to Ingrid’s antique shop later that day, Mila flicked a concerned look at Dominic. As usual, he’d come with her to the barbershop, but he hadn’t been his normal self. Oh, he’d put on a happy face. Joked and talked and laughed as she’d worked. But other times he’d sat there with his shoulders slumped, his mouth turned down, his brows drawn, and his gaze inward.

Whenever she was close, he’d reached out and touched her. Stroked her hair, smoothed his hand up her back, kissed her mouth, gave her hip a little squeeze, traced the bite on her neck with his finger. When he wasn’t touching her, subconsciously seeking comfort, he was unnaturally still—as if forcing himself not to make any anxious movements.

She didn’t need to ask what was weighing on him. It was guilt. He now believed that Pierson was responsible for the hit on her, and so GQ was blaming himself for the danger she was in. Which was quite simply fucking stupid.

Mila wouldn’t be surprised if he later announced that they needed to put some space between them, hoping Pierson would then cancel the hit. She’d shoot that shit down fast. The only person she’d let come between them was her or Dominic—no one else. “It might not be Pierson, you know.”

Dominic’s mouth tightened. “It’s likely that it is.”

“That’s still not a reason for you to be feeling guilty.”

He sighed. “Trey was right. I should have listened to him and kept my distance from you until Pierson’s little campaign blew over.”

Reaching the front door of the antique store, she rested her hand on it. “You’re not thinking clearly. Trey gave you that order after Pierson’s second article was posted. But the jackal came at me before Pierson had even had his first article posted, which means the bounty was already on my head well before Trey gave you the order. If Pierson is behind this, you wouldn’t have changed anything by obeying Trey.”

“Maybe not, but I was selfish. I didn’t want to be away from you, so I didn’t stay away long.” Dominic trailed a fingertip down the side of her face. “I should wish that I’d stayed away from you altogether, but I don’t. I can’t.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. You’re not responsible for other people’s actions. And I’m really not so sure it’s Pierson.”

Dominic exhaled a heavy breath. “Let’s go see what Vinnie has to say.” As she pushed open the door and they stepped onto the hardwood floor, a bell jingled above their heads. His wolf wrinkled his nose at the scents of lacquered wood, musty paper, and old cloth.

With one hand splayed on her lower back, Dominic followed her down the narrow aisle, taking in the wood cabinets, hand-carved dressers, grandfather clock, and oil paintings. The smaller items, such as the brooches, vintage hairbrushes, and shaving kits, were either set on display tables or locked in cabinets. He heard voices chatting, hinges creaking, and a dozen clocks ticking out of sync.

Mila came to a sharp stop just as someone rounded the aisle, almost bumping into her, and Dominic could almost hear her internal groan as she found herself face-to-face with Adele.

The blonde gave them a bright smile. “Oh, hi. How are you, Mila?”

“Good,” she replied. “You?”

“Great.” Blue eyes cut to Dominic. “Hi there. Hope you’re taking care of our Mila.”

“My Mila,” he said.

Adele chuckled. “I guess she is—lucky you. Oh, Mila, I heard Alex is back. You must be so relieved.”

“I am, yeah,” said Mila.

“I know it’s normal for him to go off alone for months at a time, but when no one could get in touch with him . . . well, I kind of worried something had happened to him.” Adele pressed her palm to her heart, blowing out a breath. “Thankfully, that’s not the case. And it means Vinnie will now have the answers he needs to get that bounty off your head. It’s just a relief all around.”


